Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 153, Number 52: GOVERNMENT HOUSE
December 28, 2019
Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, in her capacity as Chancellor and Principal Companion of the Order of Canada, has appointed the following persons, who have been recommended for such appointment by the Advisory Council of the Order of Canada.
Companions of the Order of Canada
- James Francis Cameron, C.C.
- footnote † Raymond A. J. Chrétien, C.C.
- footnote † George A. Cohon, C.C., O.Ont.
- Stephen Joseph Harper, P.C., C.C.
- Donna Theo Strickland, C.C.
Officers of the Order of Canada
- John Amagoalik, O.C., O.Nu.
- Annette av Paul, O.C.
- Raymond Bachand, O.C.
- David Osborn Braley, O.C.
- Eddy Carmack, O.C.
- John J. Clague, O.C.
- Slava Corn, O.C.
- Jean-Charles Coutu, O.C., O.Q.
- Donald Bruce Dingwell, O.C.
- Michael Donovan, O.C.
- Alain-G. Gagnon, O.C.
- The Honourable Daniel P. Hays, P.C., O.C., C.D.
- Mark Henkelman, O.C.
- Joan May Hollobon, O.C.
- Daniel Jutras, O.C.
- Shoo Kim Lee, O.C.
- Thomas E. H. Lee, O.C.
- Noni MacDonald, O.C., O.N.S.
- Robie W. Macdonald, O.C.
- Robin McLeod, O.C.
- André Ménard, O.C.
- Karen Messing, O.C.
- Christine M. Morrissey, O.C.
- Sister Sue M. Mosteller, O.C.
- footnote † Donald Kenneth Newman, O.C.
- Caroline Ouellette, O.C.
- François Paulette, O.C.
- Debra Pepler, O.C.
- footnote † Heather Maxine Reisman, O.C.
- Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg, O.C., O.M.
- Marcel Sabourin, O.C.
- James V. Scott, O.C.
- Alain Simard, O.C., C.Q.
- Gilles Ste-Croix, O.C.
- Josef Svoboda, O.C.
- Lorna Wanostsa7 Williams, O.C., O.B.C.
- James V. Zidek, O.C.
- footnote † Bernard Zinman, O.C.
Members of the Order of Canada
- Pita Aatami, C.M., C.Q.
- Brian Ahern, C.M.
- Mathew Baldwin, C.M.
- T. Robert Beamish, C.M.
- Ronald Duncan Besse, C.M.
- Paul Born, C.M.
- Maurice Brisson, C.M.
- Omer Chouinard, C.M.
- Diane Clement, C.M.
- Mitchell Cohen, C.M.
- John Collins, C.M.
- The Honourable James Cowan, C.M., Q.C.
- Phillip Crawley, C.M., C.B.E.
- Valerie Lynn Creighton, C.M., S.O.M.
- Anne Innis Dagg, C.M.
- Mary Eberle Deacon, C.M.
- The Reverend Dr. Cheri DiNovo, C.M.
- Xavier Dolan, C.M., C.Q.
- Hugo Eppich, C.M.
- Wayne John Fairhead, C.M.
- Ronald Charles Fellows, C.M.
- Thomas J. Foran, C.M., O.N.L.
- Eric D. Friesen, C.M.
- Berna Valencia Garron, C.M.
- Myron Austin Garron, C.M.
- Hana Gartner, C.M.
- Marie Giguère, C.M.
- Katherine Govier, C.M.
- Brigadier-General the Honourable John James Grant, C.M., C.M.M., O.N.S., C.D.
- Ken Greenberg, C.M.
- Roger D. Grimes, C.M.
- Arshavir Gundjian, C.M.
- Sarah Hall, C.M.
- Pavel Hamet, C.M., O.Q.
- Peter Harrison, C.M.
- Joyce Louise Hisey, C.M.
- Gordon J. Hoffman, C.M., Q.C.
- Steve E. Hrudey, C.M., A.O.E.
- John S. Hunkin, C.M.
- Johnny Nurraq Seotaituq Issaluk, C.M.
- Peter Kendall, C.M.
- Hal Philip Klepak, C.M., C.D.
- alcides lanza, C.M.
- Cathy Levy, C.M.
- Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia, C.M., O.B.C.
- Derek Lister, C.M.
- Julie Macfarlane, C.M.
- Isabelle Marcoux, C.M.
- R. Mohan Mathur, C.M.
- Donald S. Mavinic, C.M.
- Denyse McCann, C.M.
- Séan McCann, C.M.
- Brian Theodore McGeer, C.M.
- Stuart M. McGill, C.M.
- Anthony Bernard Miller, C.M.
- Nadir H. Mohamed, C.M.
- Susan Helena Mortimer, C.M.
- M. Lee Myers, C.M.
- Paul Nicklen, C.M.
- The Honourable Donald H. Oliver, C.M., Q.C.
- Brian Stuart Osborne, C.M.
- Louis-Frédéric Paquin, C.M.
- Ralph Pentland, C.M.
- Michael U. Potter, C.M.
- Robert Dick Richmond, C.M.
- Larry Rosen, C.M.
- Janice Sanderson, C.M.
- Kourken Sarkissian, C.M.
- Duncan Gordon Sinclair, C.M.
- Harry Sheldon Swain, C.M.
- Beverly Thomson, C.M.
- Darren Dennis Throop, C.M.
- Jennifer Tory, C.M.
- Gordon W. Walker, C.M., Q.C.
- Mel Watkins, C.M.
- Sheri-D Wilson, C.M.
- Lynn Margaret Zimmer, C.M.
Witness the Seal of the Order of Canada as of the twenty-second day of November of the year two thousand and nineteen

Brigadier-General Marc Thériault
Deputy Secretary, Deputy Herald Chancellor and Military assistant
Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
The Chancellery of Honours announces that the Government of Canada has approved the following awards to Canadians:
- From the Government of the Republic of Colombia
- Grand Officer of the Order of Military Merit “José María Córdova”
- to Brigadier-General Stephen Lacroix
- Grand Officer of the Order of Military Merit “José María Córdova”
- From the Government of the Republic of Finland
- Knight of the Order of the Lion of Finland, 1st Class
- to Ms. Eija Peltokangas
- Knight of the Order of the Lion of Finland
- to Mr. Reijo Viitala
- Knight of the Order of the Lion of Finland, 1st Class
- From the Government of the French Republic
- Commander of the Order of the Academic Palms
- to Mr. Gaston Sauvé
- National Defense Medal, Bronze Echelon with Armée de terre clasp
- to Colonel Jason Langelier
- National Defense Medal, Bronze Echelon
- to Major Francis Lavoie
- Commander of the Order of the Academic Palms
- From the Government of Hungary
- Gold Cross of Merit of the Republic of Hungary (Civil Division)
- to Mr. Stephen Willerding
- Gold Cross of Merit of the Republic of Hungary (Civil Division)
- From the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
- Medal of the Order of the Cross of Vytis
- to Mr. Kostas Rimsa
- Medal of the Order of the Cross of Vytis
- From the Government of the Republic of Poland
- Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland
- to Mr. Anthony Muszynski
- Cross of Freedom and Solidarity
- to Mr. Tomasz Bakalarz
- Mr. Bogdan Idzikowski
- Mr. Andrzej Lozinski
- Gold Cross of Merit
- to Mr. Edward Bukowski
- Mr. Jan Kraska
- Silver Medal for Long Service
- to Mr. Eric Boyd Garland
- Long Marital Life Medal
- to Mrs. Maria Jolanta Manuska
- Mr. Andrzej Manuski
- Siberian Exile Cross
- to Ms. Eleonora Kuczkowska
- Medal of the Centenary of Polish Independence
- to Mr. Janusz Szepietowski
- Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland
- From the Government of the Kingdom of Spain
- Officer’s Cross of the Order of Civil Merit
- to Mr. Anthony Aspler
- Officer’s Cross of the Order of Civil Merit
- From the Government of the United States of America
- Defense Meritorious Service Medal
- to Sergeant Gisèle Marie Adams
- Lieutenant(N) Yoon Su An
- Major Christopher Belgum
- Captain(N) Daniel Bouchard
- Captain Derric F. Bowes-Lyon
- Major Véronique Brassard-Lavoie
- Major Mark Anthony Castelli
- Major Christian K. Chriska
- Major Dany Côté
- Major Stéphane Damato
- Major Kevin Davis
- Lieutenant-Colonel David G. Fearon
- Lieutenant-Colonel Ronald J. Fitzgerald
- Major Neil G. George
- Commander Troy D. Gillespie
- Sergeant Geneviève Harnois
- Lieutenant-Colonel James S. Kettles
- Major Alexis Legros
- Commander Roland D. Leyte
- Lieutenant-Colonel Charleen MacCulloch
- Lieutenant(N) Rebecca MacDonald
- Colonel Serge L. Menard
- Sergeant Ladean Morton
- Major Brigitte B. Noel
- Lieutenant-Commander Robert R. Ouellette
- Sergeant Maxime Paquin
- Warrant Officer Michael Pastuck
- Lieutenant-Colonel Michael R. Percy
- Major Stephen Ramey
- Sergeant James W. L. Reid
- Major Shahab Rezaei-Zadeh
- Major Scott K. Roach
- Major Tanya Raylene Robertson
- Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew T. Rule
- Lieutenant-Colonel Alain J. P. Veilleux
- Captain David Von Neppel
- Meritorious Service Medal
- to Lieutenant-Colonel Dale M. Campbell
- Major Glenn G. Sylvester
- Air Medal, Fourth Oak Leaf Cluster
- to Major David A. McNiff
- Air Medal, Third Oak Leaf Cluster
- to Major David A. McNiff
- Air Medal, First Oak Leaf Cluster
- to Major David A. McNiff
- Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Deputy Secretary and Deputy Herald Chancellor