Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 148, Number 39: Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Relating to Pensions
September 27, 2014
Statutory authorities
Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act
Sponsoring department
Department of Finance
(This statement is not part of the Regulations.)
In October 2009, the Minister of Finance announced a series of measures to strengthen the legislative and regulatory framework for federally regulated private pension plans ( A number of amendments to the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (PBSA) were made in the Jobs and Economic Growth Act, which received royal assent in July 2010, and in the Sustaining Canada's Economic Recovery Act, which received royal assent in December 2010. To implement many of these measures, amendments to the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 (PBSR) were made in June 2010 and March 2011. The proposed amendments to the PBSR are the third tranche of amendments forming part of the measures announced in 2009.
As of December 14, 2012, the federal Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act (PRPP Act) and Pooled Registered Pension Plans Regulations (PRPP Regulations) are in force. Some technical amendments are proposed to the PRPP Regulations to ensure consistency with the PBSR and the proposed amendments to the PBSR.
In March 2010, the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations (SJCSR) identified inconsistencies between the English and French versions of the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations and the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations, 2009. In September 2013, the SJCSR also identified inconsistencies between the English and French versions of the Canadian Press Pension Plan Solvency Deficiency Funding Regulations, 2010. Amendments are proposed to address these inconsistencies.
Under the PBSA, the federal government regulates private pension plans covering areas of employment under federal jurisdiction, such as telecommunications, banking and interprovincial transportation. Under the PRPP Act, the federal government regulates pooled registered pension plans (PRPPs) offered to employers and employees in industries that are federally regulated, as well as PRPPs offered to employers, employees, and the self-employed in the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) is responsible for the supervision of private pension plans and PRPPs that are within federal jurisdiction.
The PBSA and PRPP Act set out minimum standards for registered pension plans and PRPPs, respectively. These minimum standards apply to issues such as the investment of funds, membership eligibility, locking-in requirements, portability of benefits, death benefits, and rights to information. For defined benefit pension plans, the PBSA requires that promised benefits be funded in accordance with the standards provided for under the PBSR.
The proposed regulatory amendments to the PBSR, the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations, the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations, 2009 and the Canadian Press Pension Plan Solvency Deficiency Funding Regulations, 2010 fall under the statutory authority of the PBSA. The proposed regulatory amendments to the PRPP Regulations fall under the statutory authority of the PRPP Act.
The proposed amendments to the PBSR seek to achieve three main objectives: (1) improve the regulatory framework for defined contribution plans; (2) modernize the pension fund investment rules; and (3) enhance disclosure and protect plan members' and former members' pension benefits.
The proposed amendments to the PRPP Regulations would ensure consistency with corresponding provisions in the PBSR.
The proposed amendments to the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations, the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations, 2009 and the Canadian Press Pension Plan Solvency Deficiency Funding Regulations, 2010 would address inconsistencies between the English and French versions and make other technical changes.
Improving the regulatory framework for defined contribution pension plans
Currently, upon retirement, members of a defined contribution pension plan must either opt for a life annuity purchased for them by the pension plan administrator or transfer their pension benefit credit into a prescribed savings vehicle such as a locked-in registered retirement savings plan (locked-in RRSP) or a life income fund. In 2010, the PBSA was amended to allow defined contribution plans to offer members and former members who are eligible to transfer their funds out of a pension plan (e.g. individuals who have reached retirement age) the option to receive variable annual payments (“variable benefits”) directly from the plan. The annual variable payment amount must be within a minimum amount determined by the Income Tax Act and a maximum amount prescribed by the proposed amendments. The maximum annual payment for individuals between 55 and 90 years of age would depend on the individual's account balance and age, and on the yield on Government of Canada marketable bonds for the first 15 years in which an individual receives variable payments, and a yield of 6% thereafter. After 90 years of age, there would be no maximum on the variable payment amount that can be withdrawn. The payment amount would be calculated using a formula consistent with the formula used for calculating payment amounts from life income funds under the PBSR. If a member does not choose a payment amount for a year, the minimum amount, as determined under the Income Tax Act, would apply.
In order for a former member to receive variable payments, the PBSA requires consent from the former member's spouse or common-law partner. The proposed amendments would prescribe a form for obtaining the required consent by signature from the spouse or common-law partner. The form would indicate the minimum and maximum annual withdrawal limits from the pension plan. The form would also indicate that if the maximum amount is withdrawn each year and if the investment performance of the fund is poor, the amount of pension income or survivor benefit available to a spouse or common-law partner in later years may be significantly reduced.
The proposed amendments to the PBSR would clarify the responsibilities of plan parties involved in defined contribution pension plans that offer investment choices to members or former members and their beneficiaries with a defined contribution account or an account maintained for additional voluntary contributions. In particular, the proposed amendments would require plan administrators who offer investment choices to provide members or former members with a written notice that includes any timing restrictions that apply to making an investment choice and a description of each investment choice that includes the choice's investment objective, performance history, and fees. In order to minimize duplication, the existing requirement for plan administrators to establish a written statement of investment policies and procedures would not be required for the assets of a pension plan that are held in respect of a member choice account, since the choices would be subject to their own disclosure requirements, as noted above.
Modernizing the investment rules
The PBSA provides for a prudent portfolio standard supplemented by the PBSR investment rules. As part of the proposed amendments to the PBSR, definitions applicable to the investment rules would be updated. The current definition of the term “public exchange” is outdated, as it includes listed exchanges that no longer exist. Therefore, the term “public exchange” would be replaced with “marketplace,” to reflect that pension plan investments may be bought and sold on a public exchange as well as a quotation and trade-reporting system or other platforms that are maintained to bring together the buyers of securities or derivatives. The definitions of “mutual fund” and “pooled fund” would also be repealed and replaced with the term “investment fund,” to capture both these types of funds as well as clarify that these funds could be established by a corporation, limited partnership or trust.
The current PBSR investment rules prohibit plan administrators from investing in or lending to a single entity more than 10% of the total book value of the plan's assets. The proposed amendments to the PBSR would amend a number of aspects of this concentration limit. The modified 10% limit would be based on the current value or “market value” of a pension plan's assets rather than the “book value.” The book value can be outdated, as it reflects the original purchase price. The proposed amendments also clarify that the 10% limit applies to the aggregate value of debt and equity in an entity. The 10% rule would apply at the member level for a plan that allows a member to make investment choices. In addition, there would be a carve-out to the 10% rule for investment fund and segregated fund holdings related to member choices. This is intended to be consistent with the exemption to the 10% rule for the PRPP investment holdings.
The current PBSR investment rules prohibit plan administrators from investing in a related party to the plan, such as an employer who participates in the plan, subject to specific exemptions. One current exemption permits the administrator to enter into a transaction with a related party if the value of the transaction is nominal or immaterial. The PBSR do not define nominal or immaterial. The proposed amendments would remove the nominal or immaterial exemption and instead allow new exemptions such as allowing the administrator to invest in the securities of a related party if the securities are held in an investment fund. An administrator would no longer be allowed to invest plan assets directly or indirectly in the securities of the employer (i.e. prohibition on self-investment). However, the proposed amendments clarify that the administrator may engage the services of a related party for the administration of the plan, such as hiring a related party to act as a broker dealer. Administrators of pension plans that currently hold securities of related parties would be given five years to divest of these securities in order to comply with the proposed related party rules.
Improving protection for plan members and beneficiaries
When plan members leave their employment, they may transfer their accumulated pension benefit credit to a prescribed retirement savings plan, such as a locked-in RRSP or a life income fund. The 2010 legislative amendments to the PBSA require members to obtain the consent of their spouse or common-law partner before being eligible to transfer their pension benefit credit to a prescribed retirement savings vehicle. The proposed amendments would prescribe a form for obtaining the required consent by signature from a spouse or common-law partner. The form would indicate that if the pension benefit credit is transferred to a prescribed retirement savings vehicle, there may be minimum and maximum withdrawal limits. The form would also indicate that if the maximum amount is withdrawn each year and if the investment performance of the fund is poor, the amount of pension income or survivor benefit available to a spouse or common-law partner in later years may be significantly reduced.
The PBSA includes provisions that allow, under certain conditions, for the refund of all or part of a surplus. The proposed amendments to the PBSR would extend the waiting period on surplus distributions from 14 to 40 days following consent by the Superintendent. This would ensure that the surplus is not distributed until plan members, former members and any other person who is entitled to a pension benefit under the terms of the plan have had the opportunity to submit to the Federal Court a request for judicial review of the Superintendent's decision.
Enhancing disclosure
Pension plan administrators are required under the PBSA to provide members with an annual statement that includes prescribed information such as the member's pensionable age, name of the member's spouse or common-law partner, the plan member's required contributions to the plan for the year, and, for defined benefit pension plans, the plan's funded status. The proposed amendments would expand the annual statement requirements to include the plan's top 10 investment holdings and the asset allocation, and for defined benefit plans, the valuation date and the solvency ratio reported in the most recent actuarial report, the total value of solvency assets and liabilities on the valuation date, and the employer's total payments made to the plan for the plan year.
The proposed amendments to the PBSR would require that administrators provide former members (i.e. retirees and other former members) with an annual statement similar to the annual statement sent to active members, which would include the proposed amendments to the annual statement for members.
Negotiated contribution plans are multi-employer defined benefit pension plans under which the employer's contributions are negotiated and limited by agreement. Under these arrangements, pension benefits or pension benefit credits may be reduced in situations where negotiated contributions are insufficient to meet the prescribed solvency standards. The administrator may amend the plan to reduce pension benefits or pension benefit credits, subject to the Superintendent's authorization. Plan administrators under the PBSA are currently required to provide members and former members of negotiated contribution plans with the same annual statement that they provide to all defined benefit plan members and former members. The annual statement requirements for negotiated contribution plans would be expanded to include a description of the funding arrangement. Similar disclosure requirements would be required for the written explanation of the pension plan's terms and conditions which are provided to employees who are eligible to join the plan.
For members and former members who elect to receive variable benefits, the proposed amendments to the PBSR would require that the annual statement include the date of birth used to determine minimum payments, the permitted minimum and maximum annual payments, the payment frequency over the year, an indication of how the recipients may change the amount they receive and how they can change the investments from which the payments come and the transfer options available to them, such as an annuity, a locked-in RRSP and a life income fund.
Legislative amendments to the PBSA made in 2010 allow information, such as the annual statement provided to members, to be provided in electronic form. The proposed amendments set out that the addressee (i.e. member, former member, spouse or common-law partner) may consent in writing, in paper or electronic form, or orally to receive information electronically, and that the addressee has the right to revoke consent at any time. If electronic documents are available on a generally accessible information system, such as a Web site, the proposed amendments require that the administrator provide addressees with notice of the document's availability and its location.
The 2010 legislative amendments require pension plan administrators to provide notification to beneficiaries (members or former members and their spouse or common-law partner) following a plan termination. This includes providing beneficiaries with a written statement, within 30 days of termination or any longer period permitted by the Superintendent, indicating that the plan has terminated, and providing beneficiaries with a written statement, within 120 days of termination or any longer period permitted by the Superintendent, informing them of their pension benefits payable. The proposed amendments to the PBSR prescribe the form for these two statements and the information that would be contained in them. The statement provided to beneficiaries within 30 days of termination would include the termination date, the member or former member's name and date of birth, designated beneficiary, and the rights of beneficiaries to examine plan documents filed with the Superintendent. The statement provided to beneficiaries within 120 days would include information such as the credited pensionable service, pensionable age, member and employer contributions, pension benefit payable, survivor benefit payable, the plan's funded status and the beneficiaries' portability options.
Additional technical regulatory amendments
To ensure pension savings are available throughout retirement, an individual's funds accumulated in a pension plan or PRPP can generally not be accessed until retirement (i.e. funds are “locked in”) and payments are subject to a maximum annual payment based on the fund holder's age. The maximum annual variable payments and maximum life income fund payments under the PRPP Act are intended to be the same as the maximum payments from life income funds under the PBSR. Amendments are proposed to the PRPP Regulations that would adjust the current maximum variable payment and life income fund payment formulas to clarify that the permitted maximums are the same as what applies to life income funds under the PBSR.
Currently, the PRPP Regulations allow individuals to transfer their funds directly from a PRPP to a restricted locked-in savings plan, which is a locked-in RRSP that does not permit a one-time unlocking of up to 50% of the funds in the account at the age of 55 or older. Individuals who are 55 or older are only permitted to unlock up to 50% of their holdings from a restricted life income fund. Funds in the life income fund that are from a restricted locked-in savings plan may not be included in the amount that can be unlocked from a life income fund. Under the current PRPP Regulations, there may be circumstances where a member or former member transfers his or her PRPP funds to a restricted locked-in savings plan, which may unintentionally restrict the individual's ability to use the one-time 50% unlocking provision. In order to ensure that individuals have a one-time opportunity to exercise the 50% unlocking provision, and to ensure consistency with the PBSR, the proposed amendments would remove the provision in the PRPP Regulations that allows funds to be transferred directly from a PRPP to a restricted locked-in savings plan.
The proposed amendments to the PBSR would also remove the regulatory provisions related to simplified pension plans, a form of defined contribution plan administered by a financial institution. Those provisions were rendered invalid when their enabling legislative provisions in the PBSA were repealed. Simplified pension plans are similar in nature to PRPPs and are therefore no longer needed as a result of the coming into force of the PRPP Act and its associated regulations. Existing simplified pension plans would be able to continue to operate.
The proposed amendments to the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations, the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations, 2009, and the Canadian Press Pension Plan Solvency Deficiency Funding Regulations, 2010 would also address inconsistencies between the English and French versions and make other technical changes.
“One-for-One” Rule
The “One-for-One” Rule does not apply, as the proposed amendments do not affect administrative costs to business.
Small business lens
The small business lens does not apply, as the proposed amendments do not impose costs on small business.
On January 9, 2009, the Government released a consultation paper entitled “Strengthening the Legislative and Regulatory Framework for Private Pension Plans Subject to the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985.” This was followed by a series of public meetings, led by Mr. Ted Menzies, the former Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance, in Ottawa, Halifax, Montréal, Toronto, Vancouver, Whitehorse, Edmonton and Winnipeg. Concerned stakeholders were afforded the opportunity to make their views known to the Government by speaking at one of the public meetings or by making a written submission. Although the deadline for written submissions was initially March 16, 2009, this was extended to May 31, 2009, based on the level of interest and stakeholder engagement.
The Government received a wide range of views during the consultation. Over 200 submissions were made on behalf of a range of stakeholders, including plan sponsors, industry associations, pension actuaries, members of the legal profession, labour unions, pensioner organizations and plan members. In addition, dozens of individuals made their views known at the various public meetings. Stakeholders were supportive of permitting variable payments and member choices to improve the framework for defined contribution plans. However, many of the technical details in the proposed Regulations to implement these options were beyond the scope of the consultation. Stakeholders were generally supportive of the proposed enhanced disclosure requirements; however, some stakeholders were concerned that requiring an annual statement for former members (i.e. retirees) could be difficult to administer. Stakeholders were supportive of amendments that permit information, such as the annual statement, to be provided electronically, which could reduce costs. In addition, stakeholders were generally supportive of modernizing the pension investment rules; however, concerns were raised regarding repealing the exemption to the related party rule for nominal and immaterial transactions. In particular, some stakeholders were concerned that there may be situations where investing in a related party is in the best interest of the plan. To deal with this concern, administrators would have five years to comply with the rule.
The regulatory amendments are proposed with a view to ensuring that the rights and interests of pension plan members, retirees and their beneficiaries are protected. In this regard, the proposed amendments to the PBSR contain the details relating to a number of amendments made to the PBSA through the Jobs and Economic Growth Act and through the Sustaining Canada's Economic Recovery Act. In particular, the proposed amendments include the details required to permit variable benefits and member choices in order to improve the framework for defined contribution plans. The proposed enhancements to disclosure (e.g. annual statements to former members; new disclosure requirements for negotiated contribution plans; additional details in annual statements) would improve member awareness and understanding of their pension benefits and facilitate informed discussions on these matters between plan members and sponsors. Requiring spousal consent for transfers out of a pension plan and extending the waiting period for surplus distributions would provide greater protections for members and former members. Permitting electronic dissemination of information would enhance disclosure to members and former members while also reducing plan costs. The proposed enhancements to the terminology in the investment rules are intended to modernize the rules based on common practices and provide greater clarity on the rules to protect plan members' and former members' benefits.
The intent of the proposed amendments to the PRPP Regulations is to ensure consistency with the portability options and locking-in provisions under the PBSR.
The proposed amendments to the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations, the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations, 2009 and the Canadian Press Pension Plan Solvency Deficiency Funding Regulations, 2010 would address inconsistencies between the English and French versions.
Implementation, enforcement and service standards
OSFI is responsible for the control and supervision of the administration of the PBSA and the PRPP Act. As a result, the Superintendent would be responsible for enforcing the proposed Regulations.
Lisa Pezzack
Financial Sector Division
Department of Finance Canada
90 Elgin Street, 13th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G5
Notice is given that the Governor in Council, pursuant to section 39 (see footnote a) of the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (see footnote b) and section 76 of the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act (see footnote c), proposes to make the annexed Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Relating to Pensions.
Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed regulations within 30 days after the date of publication of this notice. All such representations must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be addressed to Lisa Pezzack, Director, Financial Sector Division, Finance Canada, 90 Elgin Street, 13th floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5 (email:
Ottawa, September 18, 2014
Assistant Clerk of the Privy Council
1. (1) The definitions “mutual fund” or “pooled fund” and “simplified pension plan” in subsection 2(1) of the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 (see footnote 1) are repealed.
(2) Subsection 2(1) of the Regulations is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
“investment fund” means a fund — established by a corporation, limited partnership or trust — the purpose of which is to invest the moneys of two or more investors and the shares or units of which are allocated to each investor in proportion to the interest of the investor in the assets of the fund; (fonds de placement)
“marketplace” means
- (a) an exchange;
- (b) a quotation and trade-reporting system;
- (c) any other entity that
- (i) constitutes, maintains or provides a market or facility for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities or derivatives,
- (ii) brings together the orders for securities or derivatives of multiple buyers and sellers, and
- (iii) uses established, non-discretionary methods under which the orders interact and with which the buyers and sellers entering the orders agree to the terms of a trade; (marché)
“member choice account” means an account in relation to which a member, former member, survivor or former spouse or former common-law partner of the member or former member is permitted to make investment choices under a plan referred to in subsection 8(4.2) of the Act; (compte accompagné de choix)
“PRPP” means a plan registered under section 12 of the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act; (RPAC)
2. (1) The portion of subsection 7.1(1) of the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
7.1 (1) The administrator of a plan shall, before the day on which the plan is registered, establish a written statement of investment policies and procedures that pertain to the plan's portfolio of investments and loans, other than those relating to any member choice account, including policies and procedures pertaining to
(2) Paragraph 7.1(1)(g) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (g) the method of, and basis for, the valuation of investments that are not regularly traded at a marketplace; and
3. The Regulations are amended by adding the following after section 7.2:
7.3 (1) The administrator shall provide to any person who is permitted by a plan to make investment choices under subsection 8(4.2) of the Act a written statement that
- (a) includes a description of each investment option that indicates
- (i) its investment objective,
- (ii) the type of investments and the degree of risk associated with it,
- (iii) its top 10 holdings by market value,
- (iv) its performance history,
- (v) that its past performance is not necessarily an indication of its future performance,
- (vi) the benchmark that best reflects its composition,
- (vii) the fees, levies and other charges associated with it that reduce return on investment expressed as a percentage or a fixed amount, and
- (viii) its target asset allocation;
- (b) includes a description of how the person's funds are currently invested; and
- (c) indicates any timing requirements that apply to the making of an investment choice.
4. (1) Paragraph 11(1)(g) of the Regulations is repealed.
(2) Subsection 11(4) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
(4) Any actuarial report referred to in paragraph (1)(d) that is prepared in respect of a negotiated contribution plan shall, if the funding of the plan fails to meet the standards of solvency referred to in section 8, contain the options available in respect of such funding that would result in the funding of the plan meeting the standards for solvency.
5. The heading before section 11.1 and sections 11.1 to 11.3 of the Regulations are repealed.
6. Paragraph 16(2)(e) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (e) 40 days have gone by after the day on which the Superintendent gave notice under paragraph (d).
7. The Regulations are amended by adding the following after subsection 18(3):
(3.1) The consent referred to in subsection 26(2.1) of the Act shall be in Form 3.1 of Schedule II.
8. Section 19.1 of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
19.1 For the purposes of sections 16.4 and 26 of the Act, a life income fund, a restricted life income fund and a locked-in registered retirement savings plan are retirement savings plans into which a pension benefit credit may be transferred.
9. Subparagraph 20.1(1)(l)(i) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (i) the holder certifies that the total value of all assets in all locked-in registered retirement savings plans, life income funds, restricted locked-in savings plans and restricted life income funds that were created as a result of a transfer of pension benefit credits under section 16.4 or 26 of the Act, a transfer under these Regulations or a transfer under section 50, 53 or 54 of the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act or Pooled Registered Pension Plan Regulations, is less than or equal to 50% of the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings, and
10. Subparagraph 20.2(1)(d)(i) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (i) the holder certifies that the total value of all assets in all locked-in registered retirement savings plans, life income funds, restricted locked-in savings plans and restricted life income funds that were created as a result of the transfer of pension benefit credits under section 16.4 or 26 of the Act, a transfer under these Regulations or a transfer under section 50, 53 or 54 of the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act or the Pooled Registered Pension Plan Regulations, is less than or equal to 50% of the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings, and
11. (1) Subparagraph 20.3(1)(l)(i) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (i) the holder certifies that the total value of all assets in all locked-in registered retirement savings plans, life income funds, restricted locked-in savings plans and restricted life income funds that were created as a result of the transfer of pension benefit credits under section 16.4 or 26 of the Act, a transfer under these Regulations or a transfer under section 50, 53 or 54 of the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act or the Pooled Registered Pension Plan Regulations, is less than or equal to 50% of the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings, and
(2) Subparagraph 20.3(1)(n)(i) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (i) the restricted life income fund was created as the result of the transfer of a pension benefit credit under section 16.4 or 26 of the Act or a transfer from a locked-in registered retirement savings plan, a life income fund or a PRPP, and
12. The Regulations are amended by adding the following after section 21:
21.1 (1) A member or former member who has elected to receive a variable benefit may decide the amount that they are to receive as a variable benefit for any calendar year.
(2) The variable benefit shall be not less than the minimum amount determined under subsection 8506(5) of the Income Tax Regulations and, for any calendar year before the year in which the former member or their survivor, as the case may be, reaches 90 years of age, not more than the amount determined by the formula
- where
- C is the balance in the former member's account
- (a) at the beginning of the calendar year, or
- (b) if the balance at the beginning of the calendar year is zero, on the day on which the election was made; and
- F is the value, at the beginning of the calendar year, of a pension benefit of which the annual payment is $1, payable on January 1 of each year between the beginning of that calendar year and December 31 of the year in which the member, former member or their survivor, as the case may be, reaches 90 years of age, established using an interest rate that is
- (a) for each of the first 15 years, not more than the monthly average yield on Government of Canada marketable bonds of maturity over 10 years, as published by the Bank of Canada, for the month of November before the beginning of each calendar year, and
- (b) for any subsequent year, not more than 6%.
(3) For the calendar year in which the former member or their survivor, as the case may be, reaches 90 years of age and for all subsequent calendar years, the amount of the variable benefit shall not exceed the value of the funds held in the fund immediately before the time of the payment.
(4) The minimum amount determined under subsection 8506(5) of the Income Tax Regulations shall be paid as a variable benefit for a calendar year if
- (a) the member or former member or their survivor, as the case may be, has not notified the administrator of the amount to be paid as a variable benefit for a calendar year by the beginning of that year, or
- (b) the amount determined by the formula set out in subsection (2) for that year is less than that minimum amount.
(5) If, for the calendar year in which the variable benefit is established, part of the account was composed of funds that had been held in a life income fund of the holder earlier in the calendar year in which the variable benefit was established, the amount determined under subsection (2) and the value of the funds referred to in subsection (3) is deemed to be zero in respect of that part of the account for that calendar year.
(6) For the first calendar year that the variable benefit is paid, the amount to be paid shall be multiplied by the number of months remaining in that year and then divided by 12, with any part of an incomplete month counting as one month.
13. The Regulations are amended by adding the following after section 22:
22.1 For the purpose of subparagraph 28(1)(a)(ii) of the Act, the written explanation shall include, in the case of a negotiated contribution plan, a description of the funding arrangement, including an indication that
- (a) pension benefits or pension benefit credits may need to be reduced if negotiated contributions are insufficient to meet prescribed solvency standards; and
- (b) the administrator may amend the plan to reduce, subject to the Superintendent's authorization, pension benefits or pension benefit credits.
14. (1) Paragraph 23(1)(m) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (m) in the case of a plan other than a defined contribution plan,
- (i) the annual amount of the pension benefit accrued in respect of the plan member at the end of the plan year and payable at pensionable age,
- (ii) the total value of solvency assets and solvency liabilities of the plan on the valuation date, and
- (iii) the total employer payments made to the plan for the plan year;
(2) Clause 23(1)(q)(i)(A) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (A) the value and description of the ratio, the valuation date and the date of the next valuation,
(3) Subparagraph 23(1)(q)(ii) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (ii) in any other case, the value and description of the ratio, the valuation date and the date of the next valuation.
(4) Subsection 23(1) of the Regulations is amended by adding the following after paragraph (q):
- (r) for the assets of a plan that are not held in respect of member choice accounts,
- (i) a list of the 10 largest asset holdings based on market value, each expressed as a percentage of the total assets, and
- (ii) the asset allocation expressed as a percentage of the total assets; and
- (s) in the case of a negotiated contribution plan, a description of the funding arrangement, including an indication that
- (i) pension benefits or pension benefit credits may need to be reduced if negotiated contributions are insufficient to meet prescribed solvency standards; and
- (ii) the administrator may amend the plan to reduce, subject to the Superintendent's authorization, pension benefits or pension benefit credits.
(5) Section 23 of the Regulations is amended by adding the following after subsection (1):
(1.1) The written statement to be given in accordance with paragraph 28(1)(b.1) of the Act shall show
- (a) the name of the former member;
- (b) the period to which the statement applies;
- (c) the name of the spouse or common-law partner of the former member listed on the records of the administrator;
- (d) the name of any person on the records of the administrator designated as the beneficiary;
- (e) in the case of a plan other than a defined contribution plan,
- (i) the total employer payments made to the plan for the plan year, and
- (ii) the total value of solvency assets and solvency liabilities of the plan on the valuation date;
- (f) in respect of the defined benefit provisions of an uninsured defined benefit plan,
- (i) if the ratio as calculated in accordance with paragraph (b) of the definition “solvency ratio” in subsection 2(1) is less than one,
- (A) the value and description of the ratio, the valuation date and the date of the next valuation,
- (B) a description of the measures that the administrator has implemented or will implement to bring that ratio to one, and
- (C) the extent to which the former member's benefit would be reduced if the plan were terminated and wound up with that solvency ratio; or
- (ii) in any other case, the value and description of the ratio, its valuation date and the date of the next valuation;
- (i) if the ratio as calculated in accordance with paragraph (b) of the definition “solvency ratio” in subsection 2(1) is less than one,
- (g) for the assets of a plan that are not held in respect of member choice accounts,
- (i) a list of the 10 largest asset holdings based on market value, each expressed as a percentage of the total assets, and
- (ii) the asset allocation expressed as a percentage of the total assets;
- (h) in the case of a negotiated contribution plan, a description of the funding arrangement, including an indication that
- (i) pension benefits or pension benefit credits may need to be reduced if negotiated contributions are insufficient to meet prescribed solvency standards, and
- (ii) the administrator may amend the plan to reduce, subject to the Superintendent's authorization, pension benefits or pension benefit credits;
- (i) for a former member who is receiving a variable benefit,
- (i) the date of birth used to determine the minimum variable benefit payable for the year,
- (ii) the date the variable benefit began to be paid,
- (iii) the minimum and maximum allowable variable benefit payable, as well as the amount that the former member is receiving,
- (iv) the investment from which the variable benefit was paid,
- (v) the payment frequency over the year,
- (vi) an indication of how the former member may change their election regarding the amount to be paid during the year and the investment from which the variable benefit is to be paid, and
- (vii) a list of the transfer options available under subsection 16.4(1) of the Act; and
- (j) a statement setting out the right to access the documents described in paragraph 28(1)(c) of the Act.
(6) Subsections 23(3) to (5) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:
(3) The written statement referred to in paragraph 28(1)(d) of the Act, in the case of a plan member who ceases to be a member of the plan for any reason other than the termination of the whole of the plan or retirement, shall be given in Form 2 of Schedule IV.
(4) The written statement referred to in paragraph 28(1)(e) of the Act, shall be given in Form 3 of Schedule IV.
15. The Regulations are amended by adding the following after section 23.2:
23.3 The notification of consent of the spouse or common-law partner required under paragraph 16.2(2)(a) of the Act shall be made in Form 5.2 of Schedule IV.
23.4 (1) The written statement required under paragraph 28(2.1)(a) of the Act shall be given in Form 2.1 of Schedule IV.
(2) The written statement required under paragraph 28(2.1)(b) of the Act shall be given in Form 2.2 of Schedule IV.
16. The Regulations are amended by adding the following after section 24.1:
25. (1) For the purposes of paragraph 31.1(1)(a) of the Act, the addressee may consent in writing, in paper or electronic form, or orally.
(2) Before an addressee consents, the administrator shall notify the addressee
- (a) of the addressee's right to revoke their consent at any time;
- (b) of the addressee's responsibility to inform the administrator of any changes the addressee makes to the designated information system, including any changes made to the contact information for the designated information system; and
- (c) of the date when the consent takes effect.
(3) The addressee shall revoke their consent in writing, in paper or electronic form, or orally.
25.1 If an electronic document is provided on a generally accessible information system, such as a website, the administrator shall provide to the addressee written notice, in paper or electronic form, of the electronic document's availability and location.
25.2 An electronic document is considered to have been provided to an addressee when it is entered into or made available on the information system designated by the addressee.
25.3 (1) If an administrator has reason to believe that an addressee has not received an electronic document or the notice required under section 25.1, the administrator shall mail a paper copy of the document to the addressee.
(2) The mailing of a paper copy does not affect when the electronic document is considered to have been provided under section 25.2.
17. Schedule II to the Regulations is amended by adding the following section reference after the heading “FORM 2”:
(Section 13)
18. (1) The heading of Form 3 of Schedule II to the Regulations is replaced by the following:
(2) Section 2 of Form 3 of Schedule II to the Regulations is amended by adding the following after paragraph (f):
- (g) — transfer my pension benefit credit to a PRPP.
(3) Schedule II to the Regulations is amended by adding Form 3.1 in Schedule 1 to these regulations after Form 3.
19. The definition “public exchange” in section 1 of Schedule III to the Regulations is repealed.
20. Paragraph 2(c) of Schedule III to the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (c) an investment fund, a segregated fund or a trust fund in which the moneys of the plan have been invested.
21. Section 4 of Schedule III to the Regulations is repealed.
22. (1) The portion of subsection 9(1) of Schedule III to the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
9. (1) The administrator of a plan shall not, directly or indirectly, lend or invest, in total, 10% or more of the total market value of the plan's assets to or in,
(2) Subsection 9(2) of Schedule III to the Regulations is replaced by the following:
(1.1) The administrator of a plan shall not, directly or indirectly, lend or invest, in total, 10% or more of the total market value of the funds in a member choice account to or in,
- (a) any one person;
- (b) associated persons; or
- (c) affiliated corporations.
(2) Subsections (1) and (1.1) do not apply in respect of moneys of a plan held by a bank, trust company or other financial institution to the extent that the moneys are fully insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, by Assuris or by any similar provincial body established for the purpose of providing insurance against loss of deposits with trust companies or other financial institutions.
(3) The portion of subsection 9(3) of Schedule III to the Regulations before paragraph (b) is replaced by the following:
(3) Subsections (1) and (1.1) do not apply in respect of investments in
- (a) an investment fund or a segregated fund that complies with
- (i) in the case of investments applicable to a member choice account, section 11 of this Schedule, and
- (ii) in the case of any other investments, the requirements applicable to a plan that are set out in this Schedule;
(4) Paragraph 9(3)(f) of Schedule III to the Regulations is repealed.
(5) Section 9 of Schedule III to the Regulations is amended by adding the following after subsection (3):
(4) Subsections (1) and (1.1) do not apply in respect of investments that involve the purchase of a contract or agreement in respect of which the return is based on the performance of a widely recognized index of a broad class of securities traded at a marketplace.
23. The portion of subsection 12(1) of Schedule III to the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
12. (1) The administrator of a plan shall not, directly or indirectly, invest the moneys of the plan in the securities of a real estate corporation to which are attached more than 30% of the votes that may be cast to elect the directors of the corporation, unless the administrator obtains and deposits with the Superintendent an undertaking by the corporation that, while those securities are held, the corporation will
24. The portion of subsection 13(1) of Schedule III to the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
13. (1) The administrator of a plan shall not, directly or indirectly, invest the moneys of the plan in the securities of a resource corporation to which are attached more than 30% of the votes that may be cast to elect the directors of the corporation, unless the administrator obtains and deposits with the Superintendent an undertaking by the corporation that, while those securities are held, the corporation will
25. The portion of section 14 of Schedule III to the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
14. The administrator of a plan shall not, directly or indirectly, invest the moneys of the plan in the securities of an investment corporation to which are attached more than 30% of the votes that may be cast to elect the directors of the corporation, unless the administrator obtains and deposits with the Superintendent an undertaking by the corporation that, while those securities are held, the corporation will
26. Paragraph 16(1)(a) of Schedule III to the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (a) lend the moneys of the plan to a related party or use those moneys to hold an investment in the securities of a related party; or
27. Section 17 of Schedule III to the Regulations is replaced by the following:
17. (1) The administrator of a plan may engage the services of any related party for the operation or administration of the plan by means of a transaction under market terms and conditions.
(2) Section 16 does not apply in respect of investments in
- (a) an investment fund or a segregated fund in which investors other than the administrator and its affiliates may invest and are invested and that complies with
- (i) in the case of investments applicable to a member choice account, section 11 of this Schedule, and
- (ii) in the case of any other investments, the requirements applicable to a plan that are set out in this Schedule;
- (b) an unallocated general fund of a person authorized to carry on a life insurance business in Canada;
- (c) securities issued or fully guaranteed by the Government of Canada, the government of a province, or an agency of either one of them; or
- (d) a fund composed of mortgage-backed securities that are fully guaranteed by the Government of Canada, the government of a province, or an agency of either one of them.
(3) Section 16 does not apply in respect of investments that involve the purchase of a contract or agreement in respect of which the return is based on the performance of a widely recognized index of a broad class of securities traded at a marketplace.
(4) The administrator of a plan has five years to comply with section 16 from the day on which the administrator is in contravention of section 16 as a result of a transaction by the employer.
17.1 An administrator of a plan who does not comply with section 16 on the day on which these Regulations come into force shall comply with that section before the end of the five-year period that begins on that day.
28. Forms 1 to 4 of Schedule IV to the Regulations are replaced by the Forms 1 to 3 set out in Schedule 1 to these Regulations.
29. Form 5.1 of Schedule IV to the French version of the Regulations is amended by replacing “participant ancien” with “ancien participant” with any necessary modifications.
30. Schedule IV to the Regulations is amended by adding, after Form 5.1, the Form 5.2 set out in Schedule 3 to these Regulations.
31. Section 4 of Form 1 of Schedule V to the Regulations is replaced by the following:
Item | Description | Amount | Amount | Amount |
A | Expected income in the calendar year determined in accordance with the Income Tax Act. | $ ______ | ||
B | Total financial hardship withdrawals made during the calendar year from all federally-regulated locked-in registered retirement savings plans, life income funds, restricted life income funds and restricted locked-in savings plans. | $ ______ | ||
B(i): total low income component of B is | $ ______ | |||
B(ii): total medical and disability-related income component of B is | $ ______ | |||
C | 50% of the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings as defined in the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985. | $ ______ | ||
CALCULATION OF LOW INCOME COMPONENT OF WITHDRAWAL (To be completed only if seeking withdrawal under this component.) |
D | Low income withdrawal component. D(i) | A - B | $ ______ | |
D(ii) | 66.6 % of D(i) | $ ______ | ||
D(iii) | C - D(ii) | $ ______ | ||
D(iv) | D(iiii) - B(i) | $ ______ | ||
Enter amount from D(iv) if greater than zero otherwise enter “0” | $ ______ | |||
CALCULATION OF MEDICAL AND DISABILITY-RELATED COMPONENT OF WITHDRAWAL (To be completed only if seeking withdrawal under this component) |
E | Total expected medical and disability-related expenditures for which unlocking is being sought. E(i) Total expected medical and disability-related expenditures in the calendar year, that a medical doctor certifies are required. |
$ ______ | ||
E(ii) | A - B | $ ______ | ||
E(iii) | 20% of E(ii) | $ ______ | ||
E(iv) | If E(i) is greater than or equal to E(iii), enter E(i), otherwise enter “0” | $ ______ | ||
E(v) | Enter the lesser of E(iv) and C | $ ______ | ||
Enter amount from E(v) | $ ______ | |||
F | Total amount eligible for financial hardship withdrawal. F(i) | D + E | $ ______ | |
F(ii) | C - B | $ ______ | ||
F(iii) | Enter the lesser of F(i) and F(ii) | $ ______ | ||
Enter amount from F(iii) | $ ______ | |||
G | Total amount sought for withdrawal. Enter F or a lesser amount |
$ ______ |
32. Subsection 6(4) of the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations (see footnote 2) is replaced by the following:
(4) Despite the fact that the special payments referred to in subsection (1) may be made over a period that exceeds the period applicable under Part 1, for the purposes of subsection 8(1) of the Act, the amount by which the aggregate amount of special payments that would have been remitted to the pension fund in accordance with that Part from the day on which the initial solvency deficiency emerged, as adjusted to take into account the reductions in special payments resulting from the application of the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985, plus interest, exceeds the aggregate amount of special payments made to the pension fund in accordance with this Part, plus interest, shall be considered to be an amount accrued to the pension fund.
33. Paragraph 8(1)(g) of the Regulations is repealed.
34. Section 13 of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
13. Si le régime affiche un passif supérieur à son actif à la date de sa cessation totale, le moindre du montant calculé conformément au paragraphe 6(4) ou de la différence entre l'actif et le passif est remis sans delai au fonds de pension.
35. (1) Subparagraph 17(1)(a)(ii) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (ii) est versé sans delai au fonds de pension l'excédent du total des paiements spéciaux qui auraient été versés à ce fonds en application de la partie 1 pendant la période comprise entre la date de survenance du déficit initial de solvabilité et la date à laquelle il a été mis fin à la capitalisation, compte tenu des réductions de paiements spéciaux résultant de l'application du Règlement de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension et majorés des intérêts, sur le total des paiements spéciaux versés au fonds de pension conformément à la présente partie et des intérêts,
(2) Subparagraph 17(1)(a)(v) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (v) the special payments referred to in section 6 or 7 shall continue to be made until the first special payment required to fund the remaining initial solvency deficiency referred to in subparagraph (iii) is made to the pension fund; and
(3) Subparagraph 17(1)(b)(ii) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (ii) est versé sans delai au fonds de pension l'excédent du total des paiements spéciaux qui auraient été versés à ce fonds en application de la partie 1 pendant la période comprise entre la date de survenance du déficit initial de solvabilité et la date à laquelle il a été mis fin à la capitalisation, compte tenu des réductions de paiements spéciaux résultant de l'application du Règlement de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension et majorés des intérêts, sur le total des paiements spéciaux versés au fonds de pension conformément à la présente partie et des intérêts.
36. Section 22 of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
22. Si la valeur nominale des lettres de crédit obtenues ou maintenues pour un exercice donné aux termes de la présente partie est inférieure à la somme exigée aux termes du paragraphe 19(2) pour cet exercice, l'employeur comble la différence soit en augmentant la valeur nominale des lettres de crédit, soit en versant des paiements supplémentaires au fonds de pension au plus tard le jour du prochain versement effectué conformément au paragraphe 9(14) du Règlement de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension.
37. (1) Paragraphs 23(2)(c) and (d) of the French version of the Regulations are replaced by the following:
- c) l'employeur avise sans delai, par écrit, le détenteur, le surintendant et, s'il n'est pas l'administrateur du régime, l'administrateur de tout défaut;
- d) sauf dans le cas visé à l'alinéa c), l'administrateur qui constate tout défaut en avise sans delai, par écrit, le détenteur et le surintendant;
(2) The portion of paragraph 23(2)(f) of the French version of the Regulations before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:
- f) sur réception d'un avis écrit de défaut provenant d'une personne qui n'est ni l'administrateur ni l'employeur, le détenteur :
(3) Paragraph 23(2)h) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- h) lorsque l'émetteur ne verse pas la valeur nominale de la lettre de crédit à la suite d'une demande de versement, le détenteur en avise sans delai, par écrit, l'employeur, l'administrateur et le surintendant;
38. Section 24 of the Regulations and the heading before it are repealed.
39. Subsection 29(1) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
29. (1) En cas de défaut, est versé sans délai au fonds de pension l'excédent du total des paiements spéciaux qui auraient été versés au fonds de pension en application de la partie 1 depuis la survenance du déficit initial de solvabilité — lesquels paiements sont ajustés pour tenir compte des réductions de paiements spéciaux résultant de l'application du Règlement de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension et majorés de l'intérêt applicable — sur le total des paiements spéciaux versés au fonds de pension en application de la présente partie et des intérêts.
40. Paragraph 30(1)(b) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- b) l'excédent du total des paiements spéciaux qui auraient été versés au fonds de pension en application de la partie 1 depuis la survenance du déficit initial de solvabilité — lesquels paiements sont rajustés pour tenir compte des réductions de paiements spéciaux résultant de l'application du Règlement de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension et majorés de l'intérêt applicable — sur le total des paiements spéciaux versés au fonds de pension en application de la présente partie et des intérêts, est versé au fonds de pension au moins trente jours avant la fin de l'exercice;
41. Subsection 9(1) of the French version of the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations, 2009 (see footnote 3) is replaced by the following:
9. (1) Le déficit d'un régime ne peut continuer d'être capitalisé conformément à la partie 1 après l'exercice 2009 que si moins du tiers des participants et moins du tiers des bénéficiaires qui ne sont pas des participants s'y opposent dans le délai indiqué dans l'énoncé visé à l'alinéa 10(1)j).
42. (1) Paragraph 10(1)(g) of the Regulations is repealed.
(2) Paragraph 10(1)(j) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- j) un énoncé portant que les bénéficiaires peuvent s'opposer à la proposition de capitaliser le régime conformément à la présente partie en faisant parvenir à l'administrateur un avis à cet effet à l'adresse et dans le délai indiqués, lequel délai ne peut être inférieur à trente jours après la date de communication par l'administrateur des autres renseignements exigés au titre du présent paragraphe;
43. Section 15 of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
15. Si le régime affiche un passif supérieur à son actif à la date de sa cessation totale, la moins élevée de la somme calculée conformément au paragraphe 5(4) ou de la différence entre l'actif et le passif est remise sans délai au fonds de pension.
44. (1) Subparagraph 19(1)(a)(ii) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (ii) est versé sans délai au fonds de pension l'excédent du total des paiements spéciaux qui auraient été versés à ce fonds en application de l'article 9 du Règlement de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension au cours de la période allant de la date de survenance du déficit à la date à laquelle il a été mis fin à la capitalisation, compte tenu des réductions de paiements spéciaux résultant de l'application de ce règlement et majorés des intérêts, sur le total des paiements spéciaux versés au fonds de pension conformément à la partie 1 et à la présente partie et des intérêts,
(2) Subparagraph 19(1)(a)(v) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (v) the special payments referred to in section 5 shall continue to be made until the first special payment required to fund the remaining deficiency referred to in subparagraph (iii) is made to the pension fund; and
(3) Subparagraph 19(1)(b)(ii) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (ii) est versé sans délai au fonds de pension l'excédent du total des paiements spéciaux qui auraient été versés à ce fonds en application de l'article 9 du Règlement de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension au cours de la période allant de la date de survenance du déficit à la date à laquelle il a été mis fin à la capitalisation, compte tenu des réductions de paiements spéciaux résultant de l'application de ce règlement et majorés des intérêts, sur le total des paiements spéciaux versés au fonds de pension conformément à la partie 1 et à la présente partie et des intérêts.
45. Subsection 21(1) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
21. (1) Despite subsection 9(4) of the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 and section 13 of the Air Canada Pension Plan Solvency Deficiency Funding Regulations, if the actuarial report that values a plan at the end of the 2008 plan year indicates that there is a 2008 solvency deficiency and that there is a solvency deficiency, as defined in subsection 9(1) of the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985, the 2008 solvency deficiency may be funded by special payments sufficient to liquidate that deficiency by equal annual payments over a period not exceeding 10 years from the day on which the 2008 solvency deficiency emerged.
46. Subparagraph 22(1)(d)(vi) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (vi) la lettre de crédit ne peut pas être modifiée, sauf pour en augmenter la valeur nominale, au cours de la période visée et ne peut être cédée qu'à un autre détenteur.
47. Section 24 of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
24. Si la valeur nominale des lettres de crédit obtenues ou maintenues pour un exercice donné aux termes de la présente partie est inférieure à la somme exigée aux termes du paragraphe 21(3) pour cet exercice, l'employeur comble la différence soit en augmentant la valeur nominale des lettres de crédit, soit en versant des paiements supplémentaires au fonds de pension au plus tard le jour du prochain versement effectué conformément au paragraphe 9(14) du Règlement de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension.
48. (1) Paragraphs 25(2)(c) and ( d) of the French version of the Regulations are replaced by the following:
- c) l'employeur avise sans délai, par écrit, le détenteur, le surintendant et, s'il n'est pas l'administrateur du régime, l'administrateur de tout défaut;
- d) sauf dans le cas visé à l'alinéa c), lorsque l'administrateur constate tout défaut, il en avise sans delai, par écrit, le détenteur et le surintendant;
(2) The portion of paragraph 25(2)(f) of the French version of the Regulations before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:
- f) sur réception d'un avis écrit de défaut provenant d'une personne qui n'est ni l'administrateur ni l'employeur, le détenteur :
(3) Paragraph 25(2)(h) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- h) lorsque l'émetteur ne verse pas la valeur nominale de la lettre de crédit à la suite d'une demande de versement, le détenteur en avise sans délai, par écrit, l'employeur, l'administrateur et le surintendant;
49. Section 26 of the Regulations and the heading before it are repealed.
50. The portion of section 27 of the English version of the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
27. When the administrator provides the written statement under paragraph 28(1)(b) of the Act, the administrator shall also provide the following information:
51. Subsection 31(1) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
31. (1) En cas de défaut, est versé sans délai au fonds de pension l'excédent du total des paiements spéciaux qui auraient été versés au fonds de pension en application de l'article 9 du Règlement de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension depuis la survenance du déficit — lesquels paiements sont rajustés pour tenir compte des réductions de paiements spéciaux résultant de l'application de ce règlement et majorés des intérêts applicables — sur le total des paiements spéciaux versés au fonds de pension en application de la partie 1 et de la présente partie, majorés des intérêts applicables.
52. Paragraph 32(1)(b) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- b) l'excédent du total des paiements spéciaux qui auraient été versés au fonds de pension en application de l'article 9 du Règlement de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension depuis la survenance du déficit — lesquels paiements sont rajustés pour tenir compte des réductions de paiements spéciaux résultant de l'application du règlement et majorés des intérêts applicables — sur le total des paiements spéciaux versés au fonds de pension en application de la partie 1 et de la présente partie et des intérêts est versé au fonds de pension au moins trente jours avant la fin de l'exercice;
53. Subsection 2(2) of the English version of the Canadian Press Pension Plan Solvency Deficiency Funding Regulations, 2010 (see footnote 4) is replaced by the following:
(2) Subsection 6(1) and sections 11 and 12 of the Solvency Funding Relief Regulations do not apply to the Canadian Press pension plan.
54. Subparagraph (i) of the description of B in paragraph 7(c) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (i) le nombre d'années entre la date d'évaluation et le 31 décembre 2023,
55. Subsection 10(1) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
10. (1) Si la valeur totale de la partie subventionnée des prestations de retraite anticipée accordée depuis le 1er janvier 2009 réduit de plus de 10 % le ratio de solvabilité — établi au 31 décembre 2008 — du régime de retraite de la Presse canadienne, l'employeur verse sans délai au fonds de pension une somme qui permet de rétablir le ratio de solvabilité à sa valeur au 31 décembre 2008 moins 10 % et en avise sans delai, par écrit, le surintendant.
56. Subsection 11(2) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
(2) Si l'employeur ne respecte pas le paragraphe (1), il en avise par écrit sans délai le surintendant et verse sans delai au fonds de pension une somme égale au total des paiements spéciaux différés. Le présent règlement cesse alors d'avoir effet.
57. Subsections 37(2) and (3) of the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Regulations (see footnote 5) are replaced by the following:
(2) The payment shall be not less than the minimum amount determined under subsection 8506(5) of the Income Tax Regulations and, for any calendar year before the year in which the member reaches 90 years of age, not more than the amount determined by the formula
- where
- C is the balance in the member's account
- (a) at the beginning of the calendar year, or
- (b) if the balance at the beginning of the calendar year is zero, on the day on which the election was made; and
- F is the value, at the beginning of the calendar year, of an annual $1 payment, payable on January 1 of each year between the beginning of that calendar year and December 31 of the year in which the member reaches 90 years of age, established using an interest rate that is
- (a) for each of the first 15 years, not more than the monthly average yield on Government of Canada marketable bonds of maturity over 10 years, as published by the Bank of Canada, for the month of November before the beginning of each calendar year, and
- (b) for any subsequent year, not more than 6%.
Default amount
(3) The minimum amount determined under subsection 8506(5) of the Income Tax Regulations is to be paid as a variable payment for a calendar year if
- (a) a member has not notified the administrator of the amount to be paid as a variable payment for the calendar year within 90 days after the day on which the statement required under paragraph 57(1)(b) of the Act is received; or
- (b) the amount determined by the formula set out in subsection (2) for that year is less than that minimum amount.
Amount deemed to be zero
(3.1) If, for the calendar year in which the variable payment is established, part of the account was composed of funds that had been held in a life income fund of the holder earlier in the calendar year in which the variable payment was established, the amount determined under subsection (2) is deemed to be zero in respect of that part of the account for that calendar year.
58. (1) The portion of subsection 39(1) of the French version of the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Régime d'épargne immobilisé restreint
39. (1) Tout régime d'épargne immobilisé restreint prévoit :
(2) Subsection 39(1) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
Prescribed restricted locked-in savings plan
39. (1) A restricted locked-in savings plan must
- (a) provide that the funds may only be
- (i) transferred to another restricted locked-in savings plan,
- (ii) transferred to a pension plan if the plan permits such a transfer and if the pension plan administers the benefit attributed to the transferred funds as if the benefit were that of a pension plan member,
- (iii) transferred to a PRPP,
- (iv) used to purchase an immediate life annuity or a deferred life annuity, or
- (v) transferred to a restricted life income fund;
- (b) provide that, on the death of the holder of the restricted locked-in savings plan, the funds shall be paid to the holder's survivor by
- (i) transferring the funds to another restricted locked-in savings plan or to a locked-in RRSP,
- (ii) transferring the funds to a pension plan if the pension plan permits such a transfer and if the pension plan administers the benefit attributed to the transferred funds as if the benefit were that of a pension plan member,
- (iii) transferring the funds to a PRPP,
- (iv) using the funds to purchase an immediate life annuity or a deferred life annuity, or
- (v) transferring the funds to a life income fund or to a restricted life income fund;
- (c) provide that, subject to subsection 53(3) of the Act, the funds, or any interest or right in those funds, shall not be transferred, charged, attached, anticipated or given as security and that any transaction appearing to do so is void or, in Quebec, null;
- (d) set out the method of determining the value of the restricted locked-in savings plan, including the valuation method used to establish its value on the death of the holder or on a transfer of assets;
- (e) provide that, in the calendar year in which the holder of the restricted locked-in savings plan reaches 55 years of age or in any subsequent calendar year, the funds may be paid to the holder in a lump sum if the holder
- (i) certifies that the total value of all assets in all locked-in RRSPs, life income funds, restricted locked-in savings plans and restricted life income funds that were created as a result of the transfer, a transfer under the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 or a transfer from another PRPP is not more than 50% of the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings, and
- (ii) obtains the consent of their spouse or common-law partner, if any, and completes and gives a copy of Form 2 and Form 3 of the schedule to the financial institution with whom the contract or arrangement for the restricted locked-in savings plan was entered into; and
- (f) provide that the holder of the restricted locked-in savings plan may withdraw an amount from that plan up to the lesser of the amount determined by the formula set out in subsection 38(2) and 50% of the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings minus any amount withdrawn in the calendar year under this paragraph or paragraph 38(1)(e), 40(1)(k) or 41(1)(k)
- (i) if the holder certifies that they have not made a withdrawal in the calendar year under this paragraph or paragraph 38(1)(e), 40(1)(k) or 41(1)(k) other than within the last 30 days before the day on which the certification is made,
- (ii) if,
- (A) in the event that the value determined for M in subsection 38(2) is greater than zero,
- (I) the holder certifies that they expect to make expenditures on a medical or disability-related treatment or adaptive technology during the calendar year in excess of 20% of their expected income for that calendar year determined in accordance with the Income Tax Act, other than any amount withdrawn in the calendar year under this paragraph or paragraph 38(1)(e), 40(1)(k) or 41(1)(k), and
- (II) a physician certifies that the medical or disability-related treatment or adaptive technology is required, or
- (B) the holder's expected income for the calendar year determined in accordance with the Income Tax Act — other than any amount withdrawn under this paragraph or paragraph 38(1)(e), 40(1)(k) or 41(1)(k) within the last 30 days before the day on which the certification is made — is less than 75% of the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings, and
- (A) in the event that the value determined for M in subsection 38(2) is greater than zero,
- (iii) if the holder obtains the consent of their spouse or common-law partner, if any, and completes and gives a copy of Form 1 and Form 2 of the schedule to the financial institution with whom the contract or arrangement for the restricted locked-in savings plan was entered into.
59. Paragraph 40(1)(d) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (d) provides that for any calendar year before the calendar year in which the holder of the restricted life income fund reaches 90 years of age the amount of income paid out of the life income fund shall not exceed the amount determined by the formula
- where
- C is the balance in the holder's account
- (a) at the beginning of the calendar year, or
- (b) if the balance at the beginning of the calendar year is zero, on the day on which the election was made; and
- F is the value, at the beginning of the calendar year, of an annual $1 payment, payable on January 1 of each year between the beginning of that calendar year and December 31 of the year in which the holder reaches 90 years of age, established using an interest rate that is
- (a) for each of the first 15 years, not more than the monthly average yield on Government of Canada marketable bonds of maturity over 10 years, as published by the Bank of Canada, for the month of November before the beginning of each calendar year, and
- (b) for any subsequent year, not more than 6%.
60. Paragraph 41(1)(d) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (d) provides that for any calendar year before the calendar year in which the holder of the life income fund reaches 90 years of age the amount of income paid out of the life income fund shall not exceed the amount determined by the formula
- where
- C is the balance in the holder's account
- (a) at the beginning of the calendar year, or
- (b) if the balance at the beginning of the calendar year is zero, on the day on which the election was made; and
- F is the value, at the beginning of the calendar year, of an annual $1 payment, payable on January 1 of each year between the beginning of that calendar year and December 31 of the year in which the holder reaches 90 years of age, established using an interest rate that is
- (a) for each of the first 15 years, not more than the monthly average yield on Government of Canada marketable bonds of maturity over 10 years, as published by the Bank of Canada, for the month of November before the beginning of each calendar year, and
- (b) for any subsequent year, not more than 6%.
61. These Regulations come into force on the day on which subsection 196(3) of the Sustaining Canada's Economic Recovery Act, chapter 25 of the Statutes of Canada, 2010, comes into force.
(Subsection 17(3))
FORM 3.1
(Subsection 18(3.1))
I, _________________________________, certify that I am the spouse or common-law partner (as defined by the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985) of _________________________________.
I understand that my spouse or common-law partner has elected to transfer their pension benefit credit, and that my written consent is required to enable my spouse or common-law partner to do so.
I understand that
- (a) transferring the pension benefit credit will allow my spouse or common-law partner to manage their own pension fund and will allow flexibility in determining the amount that will be paid to my spouse or common-law partner in each calendar year;
- (b) the transferred funds may be used to purchase a life annuity at a later date, but there is no requirement that the funds be used to purchase a life annuity;
- (c) if the transferred funds are used to purchase a life annuity, the life annuity must be in the joint and survivor form unless I waive my entitlements by signing a separate waiver form within 90 days before the day on which the annuity payments begin.
I further understand that transferring the pension benefit credit to a retirement savings plan of the prescribed kind will allow my spouse or common-law partner to withdraw some of the funds each year, subject to any minimum and maximum withdrawal limits. I understand, however, that the amount of pension income or survivor benefit available to me in later years may be significantly reduced if
- (a) my spouse or common-law partner elects to withdraw the maximum amount permitted each year, or
- (b) the investment performance is poor.
Nevertheless, I consent to the transfer of the pension benefit credit to a retirement savings plan of the prescribed kind and certify that
- (a) I have read this form and understand it;
- (b) neither my spouse or common-law partner nor anyone else has put any pressure on me to sign this form;
- (c) my spouse or common-law partner is not present while I am signing this form;
- (d) I realize that
- (i) this form only gives a general description of the legal rights I have under the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985, and
- (ii) if I wish to understand exactly what my legal rights are I must read the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations,1985 or seek legal advice; and
- (e) I realize that I am entitled to keep a copy of this consent form.
To consent to the transfer, I sign this consent form at __________________________________ on this day of ___________, 20______.
Signature of spouse or common-law partner _________________________________
Address of spouse or common-law partner _________________________________
(home telephone #) _________________________________
(work telephone #) _________________________________
I certify that
- (a) My full name is __________________________________
- (b) My address is ____________________________________
- (c) I witnessed this spouse or common-law partner sign this waiver in the absence of their spouse or common-law partner.
Signature of Witness _________________________________
(home telephone #) _________________________________
(work telephone #) _________________________________
(Section 27)
(Subsection 23(2) and paragraph 23.2(a))
Statement date ________________________________________________________
Member's name ________________________________________________________
Date of birth ____________________________
Spouse's or common-law partner's name _____________________________________
Date of birth ____________________________
Designated beneficiary ___________________________________________________
Date employment began __________________________________________________
Date credited service began _______________________________________________
Date pensionable age reached _____________________________________________
Date of first entitlement to early retirement pension ____________________________
Credited service ________________________________________________________
Additional voluntary contributions of member
- (a) made during the plan year $ ____________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of retirement $ ______________________________
Required contributions of member
- (a) made during the plan year $ ____________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of retirement $ ______________________________
Employer contributions, in respect of a defined contribution provision, if any,
- (a) made during the plan year $ ____________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of retirement $ ______________________________
Transfers into the pension plan
- (a) lump sum amounts $ __________________________________________
- (b) benefit attributable to such transfers $ ____________________________
- (c) service credited to such transfers ________________________________
Pension benefit payable to the member
- (a) attributable to the benefit formula $ ______________________________
- (b) attributable to additional voluntary contributions $ ___________________
- (c) attributable to the “50% rule” $ __________________________________
- (d) attributable to any other lump sum amount $ _______________________
- (e) total pension benefit payable $ __________________________________
Pension benefit payable for a limited period
- (a) amount $_____________________________________________________________
- (b) from _________________________ to ____________________________
Survivor benefit: $_______________________________________________________
Solvency ratio __________________________________________________________
Formula, if any, for indexing the pension benefit _______________________________
(Subsection 23(3))
Statement date ________________________________________________________
Member's name ________________________________________________________
Date of birth __________________
Spouse's or common-law partner's name ____________________________________
Date of birth __________________
Designated beneficiary __________________________________________________
Date employment began ________________________________________________
Date credited service began _____________________________________________
Date pensionable age reached ___________________________________________
Date of first entitlement to early retirement pension __________________________
Credited service ______________________________________________________
Additional voluntary contributions of member
- (a) made during the plan year $ __________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of cessation of membership $ _________________
Required contributions of member
- (a) made during the plan year $ __________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of cessation of membership $ ________________
Employer contributions, in respect of a defined contribution provision, if any,
- (a) made during the plan year $ __________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of cessation of membership $ _________________
Transfers into the pension plan
- (a) lump sum amounts $ ________________________________________
- (b) benefit attributable to such transfers $ __________________________
- (c) service credited to such transfers ______________________________
Pension benefit payable to the member
- (a) attributable to the benefit formula $ ____________________________
- (b) attributable to additional voluntary contributions $ ________________
- (c) attributable to the “50% rule” $ _______________________________
- (d) attributable to any other lump sum amount $ ____________________
- (e) total pension benefit payable $ _______________________________
Pension benefit payable for a limited period
- (a) amount $ ________________________________________________
- (b) from _________________________ to ________________________
Survivor benefit prior to early retirement
- (a) total benefit $ ____________________________________________
- (b) group insurance offset $ ____________________________________
- (c) net benefit $ _____________________________________________
Pension benefit credit for transfer purposes
- (a) attributable to the benefit formula $ __________________________
- (b) attributable to additional voluntary contributions $ ______________
- (c) attributable to the “50% rule” $ ______________________________
- (d) attributable to any other lump sum amount $ _________________
- (e) total pension benefit credit payable $ _________________________
Solvency ratio ______________________________________________________
Schedule of transfer payments (if solvency ratio is less than 1) __________________________________________________________
Formula, if any, for indexing the pension benefit or for calculating the pension benefit credit ___________________________________
Portability options available (transfer to another pension plan, a locked-in registered retirement savings plan, a life income fund or restricted life income fund, or purchase of an immediate or deferred life annuity) _______________________________________
FORM 2.1
(Subsection 23.4(1))
Statement date _______________________________________________________
Plan termination date __________________________________________________
Member's or former member's name _______________________________________
Date of birth ___________________
Spouse's or common-law partner's name ___________________________________
Date of birth ____________________
Designated beneficiary _________________________________________________
Each member, former member and the spouse or common-law partner of each member or former member may examine, at the plan administrator's offices, or order photocopies of, on condition of payment of any reasonable fee that the administrator may fix, all documents that have been filed with the Superintendent under subsection 10(1) or 10.1(1) or section 12 of the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 or any regulations made under paragraph 39(i) of that Act.
Pension benefits will continue to be paid to retirees as they fall due.
Other pension benefits cannot be distributed until the termination report is approved by the Superintendent.
FORM 2.2
(Subsection 23.4(2))
Statement date _______________________________________________________
Member's or former member's name _______________________________________
Date of birth ___________________
Spouse's or common-law partner's name ___________________________________
Date of birth ___________________
Designated beneficiary _________________________________________________
Date employment began _______________________________________________
Date credited service began _____________________________________________
Date pensionable age reached ___________________________________________
Date of first entitlement to early retirement pension __________________________
Credited service ______________________________________________________
Additional voluntary contributions of member
- (a) made during the plan year $ __________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of cessation of membership $ ________________
Required contributions of member
- (a) made during the plan year $ __________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of cessation of membership $ ________________
Employer contributions, in respect of a defined contribution provision, if any,
- (a) made during the plan year $ __________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of cessation of membership $ ________________
Transfers into the pension plan
- (a) lump sum amounts $ ________________________________________
- (b) benefit attributable to such transfers $ __________________________
- (c) service credited to such transfers ______________________________
Pension benefit payable to the member
- (a) attributable to the benefit formula $ ____________________________
- (b) attributable to additional voluntary contributions $ _________________
- (c) attributable to the “50% rule” $ ________________________________
- (d) attributable to any other lump sum amount $ _____________________
- (e) total pension benefit payable $ ________________________________
Pension benefit payable for a limited period
- (a) amount $ _________________________________________________
- (b) from ________________________ to __________________________
Survivor benefit prior to early retirement
- (a) total benefit $ _____________________________________________
- (b) group insurance offset $ _____________________________________
- (c) net benefit $ ______________________________________________
Pension benefit credit for transfer purposes
- (a) attributable to the benefit formula $ ___________________________
- (b) attributable to additional voluntary contributions $ ________________
- (c) attributable to the “50% rule” $ ______________________________
- (d) attributable to any other lump sum amount $ ____________________
- (e) total pension benefit credit payable $ __________________________
Solvency ratio _______________________________________________________
Schedule of transfer payments (if solvency ratio is less than 1) _________________
Formula, if any, for indexing the pension benefit or for calculating the pension benefit credit __________________________________
Portability options available (transfer to another pension plan, a locked-in registered retirement savings plan, a life income fund or restricted life income fund, or purchase of an immediate or deferred life annuity) ______________________________________
The member or former member must give notice of the transfer option that they have chosen.
A description of any adjustments to benefits and the reasons for these adjustments __________________________________________
(Subsection 23(4))
Statement date _______________________________________________________
Member's name _______________________________________________________
Date of birth ___________________
Spouse's or common-law partner's name ___________________________________
Date of birth ___________________
Designated beneficiary _________________________________________________
Date employment began _______________________________________________
Date credited service began ____________________________________________
Credited service ______________________________________________________
Additional voluntary contributions of member
- (a) made during the plan year $ __________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of member's death $ _______________________
Required contributions of member
- (a) made during the plan year $ __________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of member's death $ _______________________
Employer contributions, in respect of a defined contribution provision, if any,
- (a) made during the plan year $ __________________________________
- (b) accumulated to date of member's death $ _______________________
Transfers into the pension plan
- (a) lump sum amounts $ _______________________________________
- (b) benefit attributable to such transfers $ _________________________
- (c) service credited to such transfers _____________________________
Pension benefit credit payable to the member's spouse or common-law partner
- (a) attributable to the benefit formula $ __________________________
- (b) attributable to additional voluntary contributions $ _______________
- (c) attributable to the “50% rule” $ _____________________________
- (d) attributable to any other lump sum amount $ ___________________
- (e) total pension benefit or pension benefit credit payable $ __________
Solvency ratio _____________________________________________________
Schedule of transfer payments (if solvency ratio is less than 1) _______________
Formula, if any, for indexing benefit or for calculating the pension benefit credit ____________________________________________
Portability options available (transfer to another pension plan, a locked-in registered retirement savings plan, a life income fund or restricted life income fund, or purchase of an immediate or deferred life annuity) ________________________________________________
(Section 29)
FORM 5.2
(Section 23.3)
I, _________________________, hereby certify that I am the spouse or the common-law partner, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985, of ____________________.
I understand that my spouse or common-law partner has elected to receive a variable benefit directly from the pension plan, and that my written consent is required to enable my spouse or common-law partner to do so.
I understand that
- (a) electing to receive a variable benefit directly from the pension plan, will allow my spouse or common-law partner to manage his or her own pension fund and will allow some flexibility in determining the amount that will be paid as variable benefit in each calendar year;
- (b) the remaining funds may be used to purchase a life annuity at a later date, but there is no requirement that the remaining funds be used to purchase a life annuity;
- (c) if the remaining funds are used to purchase a life annuity, the life annuity must be joint unless I waive my entitlements by signing a separate waiver form within 90 days before the day on which the annuity payments begin; and
- (d) a variable benefit paid directly from the pension plan is not paid in the joint and survivor form.
I further understand that before purchasing a life annuity, the pension plan, will allow my spouse or common-law partner to withdraw some of the funds each year, subject to minimum and maximum withdrawal limits. I understand, however, that the amount of pension income or survivor benefit available to me in later years may be significantly reduced if
- (a) my spouse or common-law partner elects to withdraw the maximum amount permitted each year, or
- (b) the investment performance is poor.
Nevertheless, I consent to the receipt of variable benefits directly from the pension plan, and certify that
- (a) I have read this form and understand it,
- (b) neither my spouse or common-law partner nor anyone else has put any pressure on me to sign this form,
- (c) my spouse or common-law partner is not present while I am signing this form,
- (d) I realize that
- (i) this form only gives a general description of the legal rights I have under the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985, and
- (ii) if I wish to understand exactly what my legal rights are I must read the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations,1985 or seek legal advice, and
- (e) I realize that I am entitled to a copy of this consent form.
To consent to the transfer, I sign this consent form at ____________________________ on this day of _____________, 20__________.
Signature of spouse or common-law partner ________________________
Address of spouse or common-law partner ________________________
(home telephone #) ________________________
(work telephone #) ________________________
I certify that
- (a) My full name is _________________________
- (b) My address is __________________________
- (c) I witnessed this spouse or common-law partner sign this waiver in the absence of their spouse or common-law partner.