Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 27: COMMISSIONS

July 6, 2024



Notice Amending the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice

The Minister of Health, pursuant to subsection 24(1) and section 25 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act, fixes fees by amending the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice, in accordance with the annexed notice.

May 17, 2024

The Honourable Mark Holland
Minister of Health

Notice Amending the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice


1. The definition of “Regulations” under section 1 of Part 4: Feeds Fees of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice is replaced with: “means the Feeds Regulations, 2024. (Règlement)”

2. The table to Part 4: Feeds Fees of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice is repealed and replaced by the following:

Table: Feeds Fees

Column 1

Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use



Column 2


+6.8% starting March 31, 2024


Approval 1 (1) For the consideration of an application for approval of
  • any feed with a novel trait;
  • any feed, other than a mixed feed, that is not listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table;
  • any single ingredient feed that is listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table and whose description is different from what appears in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table; or
  • any feed that is manufactured by or for a government, academic or private research establishment for research or experimental purposes, except if it is fed to livestock owned and under direct supervision of the establishment and that establishment has implemented a plan for proper disposal of remaining feed and livestock products produced as a result of being fed the experimental or research feed.
(a) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate both the safety and efficacy of the feed $484.08 $517.00
(b) if evidence is required to support any claim on the label of the feed that is not set out in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feeds Labels $484.08 $517.00
(c) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate either the safety or efficacy of the feed $306.59 $327.44
(d) if the feed is being imported for experimental purposes and does not require safety and/or efficacy evaluation $26.89 $28.72
(e) in any other case $102.19 $109.14
(2) The fees for approval set out in item 1 are payable even if after consideration of the application for approval, the feed is exempted from approval.
Registration 2 (1) For the consideration of an application for registration of
  • any single ingredient feed listed in Part II of the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table; or
  • any mixed feed
(a) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate both the safety and efficacy of the feed $484.08 $517.00
(b) if evidence is required to support any claim on the label of the feed that is not set out in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feeds Labels $484.08 $517.00
(c) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate either the safety or efficacy of the feed $306.59 $327.44
(d) in any other case $118.33 $126.38
(2) The fees for registration set out in item 2 are payable even if after consideration of the application for registration, the feed is exempted from registration.
(3) If a fee for approval set out in item 1 has been paid for a feed, the fee for registration set out for item 2 is not payable even if that feed also requires registration.
Voluntary registration 3 For the consideration of an application for registration of a single ingredient feed described in Part I of the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table $102.19 $109.14
Renewal 4 For the consideration of an application to renew a registration of a feed $43.04 $45.97
Amendment 5 (1) For the consideration of an application to amend a registration of a feed
(a) where there is any change to the brand name, feed name, type or level of medicating ingredient in the feed $96.81 $103.39
(b) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate both the safety and efficacy of the feed $484.08 $517.00
(c) if evidence is required to support any claim on the label of the feed that is not set out in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feeds Labels $484.08 $517.00
(d) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate either the safety or efficacy of the feed $306.59 $327.44
(e) in any other case $10.75 $11.48
(2) A fee set out in item 5 for the consideration of any amendment contained in an application for renewal is in addition to the renewal fee set out in item 4.


(This note is not part of the Notice.)

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice (CFIA Fees Notice) sets out the fees that have been fixed by the Minister of Health under subsection 24(1) and section 25 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act for services or the use of a facility provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) or in respect of products, rights and privileges provided by the CFIA.

As a result of the feeds regulatory modernization, which repealed the Feeds Regulations, 1983 and replaced them with the Feeds Regulations, 2024, the CFIA Fees Notice needs to be amended. Particularly, the service descriptions found in Part 4: Feeds Fees in the CFIA Fees Notice need to reflect new clearer terminology used in the Regulations, particularly around the assessment process for single ingredient feeds and mixed feeds. General improvements are also needed to the layout of the services table, which stakeholders have noted is confusing.

Under the previous Regulations, the application requirements and assessment processes were combined for both single ingredient feeds and mixed feeds and were not well defined. An updated, clearer and broader permissions approach for feeds was established in the new Regulations, namely for the “approval” of single ingredient feeds and “registration” of mixed feeds. Both processes will continue to require assessment and permission before products can enter the marketplace. As a result, only changes to service descriptions are needed and there will be no changes to the actual fees.

The table to Part 4 of the CFIA Fees Notice will be repealed and replaced with a new table with an improved structure, and updated terminology and regulatory references to align with the Feeds Regulations, 2024. The changes to Part 4 of the CFIA Fees Notice include

These changes to the CFIA Fees Notice will not generate any additional benefits or costs to stakeholders beyond those already attributed to Feeds Regulations, 2024. These changes simply align the descriptions in the CFIA Fees Notice with the updated Regulations.

The CFIA engaged stakeholders extensively on the new Feeds Regulations, 2024, including the modernization of the application and assessment process. Consultations included industry working groups, annual stakeholder meetings, online consultations, as well as through the public comment period following the prepublication in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Stakeholders broadly support the regulatory proposal, recognizing the need to update the existing Regulations and to improve clarity and transparency in regard to the assessment process for feed products.

This is the first of two phases to update the CFIA Fees Notice as a result of amendments to regulations for feeds. In this first phase, changes are limited to description of service fees and changes to fee amounts are not being proposed through these amendments. The CFIA will follow up with a second phase of updates to the CFIA Fees Notice for feeds for the addition of fees for licenses and licence renewals. The CFIA will consult with stakeholders in the development of these new fees.



Silicon metal

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal gives notice that, pursuant to subsection 76.03(1) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), it will initiate an expiry review (Expiry review RR-2024-002) of its order made on August 22, 2019, in expiry review RR-2018-003, continuing, without amendment, its finding made on November 19, 2013, in inquiry NQ-2013-003, concerning the dumping and subsidizing of silicon metal containing at least 96.00 percent but less than 99.99 percent silicon by weight, and silicon metal containing between 89.00 percent and 96.00 percent silicon by weight that contains aluminum greater than 0.20 percent by weight, of all forms and sizes, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (the subject goods).

In this expiry review, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will first determine whether the expiry of the order in respect of the subject goods is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping or subsidizing of the subject goods. If the CBSA determines that the expiry of the order in respect of any goods is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping or subsidizing, the Tribunal will then determine if the continued or resumed dumping or subsidizing is likely to result in injury to the domestic industry. The CBSA will provide notice of its determinations within 150 days after receiving notice of the Tribunal’s initiation of the expiry review, that is, no later than November 21, 2024. The Tribunal will issue its order and its statement of reasons no later than April 30, 2025.

Each person or government wishing to participate in this expiry review must file Form I—Notice of Participation with the Tribunal by July 9, 2024. Regarding the importance of the deadline for filing a notice of participation, please read carefully the “Support by domestic producers” section in the notice available on the Tribunal’s website. Each counsel who intends to represent a party in the expiry review must file Form II—Notice of Representation and Form III—Declaration and Undertaking with the Tribunal, by July 9, 2024. The Tribunal will issue a list of participants shortly thereafter.

On January 13, 2025, the Tribunal will distribute the record to participants. Counsel and self-represented participants are required to serve their respective submissions on each other on the dates outlined below. Public submissions are to be served on counsel and those participants who are not represented by counsel. Confidential submissions are to be served only on counsel who have access to the confidential record, and who have filed Form III—Declaration and Undertaking with the Tribunal. This information will be included in the list of participants. One complete electronic version of all submissions must be filed with the Tribunal.

The Tribunal will hold a public hearing relating to this expiry review commencing on February 17, 2025. The type of hearing will be communicated at a later date.

Written submissions, correspondence and requests for information regarding the Tribunal’s portion of this expiry review should be addressed to the Registry, Canadian International Trade Tribunal Secretariat, at or you may reach the Registry by telephone at 613‑993‑3595.

Additional information and the expiry review schedule are available in the notice posted on the Tribunal’s website.

Ottawa, June 24, 2024



Carbon steel welded pipe

Notice is given that on June 26, 2024, pursuant to paragraph 76.03(12)(b) of the Special Import Measures Act, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal continued its order (Expiry review RR-2023-003) made on October 15, 2018, in expiry review RR-2017-005, concerning the dumping of certain carbon steel welded pipe originating in or exported from the Republic of Korea, Chinese Taipei, the Republic of India, the Sultanate of Oman, the Kingdom of Thailand and the United Arab Emirates and the subsidizing of the aforementioned goods originating in or exported from the Republic of India. The full description of the aforementioned goods and the excluded goods can be found in the Tribunal’s order.

Ottawa, June 26, 2024



The Commission posts on its website original, detailed decisions, notices of consultation, regulatory policies, information bulletins and orders as they come into force. In accordance with Part 1 of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, these documents may be examined at the Commission’s office, as can be documents relating to a proceeding, including the notices and applications, which are posted on the Commission’s website, under “Public proceedings & hearings.”

The following documents are abridged versions of the Commission’s original documents.


Notice number Publication date of the notice City Province Deadline for filing of interventions, comments or replies OR hearing date
2024-137 June 25, 2024 N.A. N.A. August 19, 2024
2024-138 June 25, 2024 N.A. N.A. August 26, 2024
Decision number Publication date Applicant’s name Undertaking City Province
2024-139 June 26, 2024 Neeti P. Ray, on behalf of corporations to be incorporated CKWW, CHAM and CKOC Hamilton and Windsor Ontario



Adjusted maximum amount of freight charges

Whereas pursuant to subsection 164.2(3) of the Canada Transportation Act, SC 1996, c. 10, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) shall adjust the maximum amount of freight charges in accordance with subsection 164.2(1) and cause it to be published in the Canada Gazette;

Whereas in Determination No. R-2024-97 dated June 20, 2024, the Agency determined the adjusted maximum amount for the purposes of subsection 164.2(1) to be $2,410,000;

The Agency hereby publishes the adjusted maximum amount for the three-year period ending on March 31, 2027.