Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Miscellaneous Program): SOR/2019-122
Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 153, Number 10
SOR/2019-122 May 6, 2019
P.C. 2019-422 May 3, 2019
Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, pursuant to section 4.9 footnote a of the Aeronautics Act footnote b, makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Miscellaneous Program).
Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Miscellaneous Program)
1 (1) Paragraph 302.505(1)(a) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations footnote 1 is replaced by the following:
- (a) implement a reporting system to ensure the timely collection of information related to hazards, incidents and accidents that may adversely affect safety;
(2) Paragraph 302.505(1)(d) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (d) implement a safety data system, by either electronic or other means, to monitor and analyze trends in hazards, incidents and accidents;
(3) Subsection 302.505(5) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
(5) The responsibility and accountability of the accountable executive are not affected by the appointment of a person to manage the safety management system under paragraph 302.504(b) or the assignment of management functions to another person under subsection (3).
2 The definition heliport operations manual or HOM in section 305.01 of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
heliport operations manual or HOM means the manual referred to in sections 305.53 to 305.57 and includes any amendments to the manual that are included under subsection 305.08(4). (manuel d’exploitation d’héliport ou MEH)
3 The portion of subsection 571.11(4) of the Regulations before paragraph (b) is replaced by the following:
(4) Except as provided in subsections (5) and (7), no person shall sign a maintenance release in respect of maintenance performed on a transport category aeroplane or a turbine-powered helicopter, unless the person
- (a) has successfully completed a course of maintenance training that has been approved by the Minister and that is applicable to the type of aircraft, engine or system on which the maintenance is performed, in accordance with Appendix M of Standard 571 — Maintenance; or
4 Paragraph 602.63(7)(a) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- a) une combinaison pour passagers d’hélicoptère, conforme aux exigences de l’alinéa 551.407c) du Manuel de navigabilité, est fournie pour chaque passager à bord;
5 The portion of section 604.49 of the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
604.49 Despite paragraph 602.126(1)(b),
6 Subparagraph 604.51(c)(xv) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (xv) the standard operating procedures to be followed by flight crew members in normal, abnormal and emergency conditions;
7 Clause 604.53(c)(ii)(A) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (A) sur des routes RNAV fixes de l’espace aérien supérieur,
8 The heading before section 604.54 of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
Exigences RNPC — routes RNAV fixes de l’espace aérien supérieur
9 Paragraph 604.57(f) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- f) l’exploitant privé applique les processus, les pratiques et les procédures relatives aux tâches et aux pratiques prévues aux articles 1.3.7, 1.3.8 et à du chapitre 1 de la partie B du volume II du manuel PBN.
10 Paragraph 604.58(f) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- f) l’exploitant privé applique les processus, les pratiques et les procédures relatives aux tâches et aux pratiques prévues aux articles à et 1.3.6 du chapitre 1 de la partie C du volume II du manuel PBN.
11 Paragraph 604.59(f) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- f) l’exploitant privé applique les processus, les pratiques et les procédures relatives aux tâches et aux pratiques prévues à l’article 2.3.4 du chapitre 2 de la partie B du volume II du manuel PBN.
12 Paragraph 604.60(g) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- g) l’exploitant privé applique les processus, les pratiques et les procédures relatives aux tâches et aux pratiques prévues aux articles, à et 3.3.6 du chapitre 3 de la partie B du volume II du manuel PBN.
13 (1) Paragraph 604.83(1)(h) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- h) aucun groupe auxiliaire de bord dont le jet se décharge dans la zone de sécurité de l’avitaillement n’est démarré après que les bouchons de remplissage sont retirés ou que les raccords pour l’avitaillement en carburant sont branchés;
(2) Paragraph 604.83(1)(k) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- k) aucun matériel photographique n’est en train d’être utilisé dans la zone de sécurité de l’avitaillement;
14 Subparagraph 604.85(1)(f)(ii) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (ii) the recommendation that a passenger don and secure the passenger’s own mask before assisting another passenger with his or her mask;
15 Clause 604.86(1)(a)(iv)(C) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (C) the recommendation that a passenger don and secure the passenger’s own mask before assisting another passenger with his or her mask,
16 (1) Subsection 604.106(2) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
(2) Le commandant de bord d’un aéronef exploité par un exploitant privé établit si les conditions de vol, la durée du vol et la condition physiologique des membres d’équipage permettent qu’un repos aux commandes au poste de pilotage soit pris par un membre d’équipage de conduite.
(2) The portion of subsection 604.106(3) of the French version of the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
(3) Le commandant de bord d’un aéronef exploité par un exploitant privé donne aux membres d’équipage participants un exposé comprenant les éléments suivants :
17 (1) Paragraph 604.127(h) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (h) procedures to ensure that the tasks required by a maintenance schedule or by an airworthiness directive are completed in accordance with Subpart 5 of Part VI;
(2) Paragraph 604.127(j) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- j) une description générale du calendrier de maintenance exigé par l’alinéa 605.86(1)a) et, dans le cas d’un avion pressurisé à turbomoteurs ou d’un gros avion, le numéro d’approbation du calendrier de maintenance approuvé en vertu du paragraphe 605.86(2);
18 Paragraph 604.141(2)(e) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- e) mettre en œuvre la procédure relative aux interventions en cas d’urgence visée à l’alinéa 604.203(1)e).
19 Paragraph 805.03(3)(d) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (d) a record of each occurrence of compliance or non-compliance with the manual or any other document established under subsection 805.02(2) that is found during an audit referred to in paragraph (a) or (b);
20 (1) Paragraph 805.05(1)(a) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (a) implement a reporting system to ensure the timely collection of information related to hazards, incidents and accidents that may adversely affect safety;
(2) Paragraph 805.05(1)(d) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (d) implement a safety data system, by either electronic or other means, to monitor and analyze trends in hazards, incidents and accidents;
(3) Subsection 805.05(5) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
(5) The responsibility and accountability of the accountable executive are not affected by the assignment of management functions to another person under subsection (3).
21 The Regulations are amended by replacing “Chapter 571 of the Airworthiness Manual” with “Standard 571 — Maintenance”, with any necessary modifications, in the following provisions:
- (a) paragraph 571.03(a);
- (b) paragraph 571.07(2)(c);
- (c) the portion of subsection 571.08(1) before paragraph (a);
- (d) subsection 571.10(1);
- (e) the portion of item 1 of Schedule I to Subpart 71 of Part V in column I; and
- (f) paragraph 605.92(1)(c).
Coming into Force
22 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are published in the Canada Gazette, Part II.
(This statement is not part of the Regulations.)
The Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations (SJCSR) has identified a number of technical issues with the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) and recommended that the CARs be amended to address these issues.
In addition, Transport Canada (TC) has identified one minor editorial amendment that is required for six provisions in the CARs to update a reference to a manual.
These amendments have the following objectives:
- to correct discrepancies between the French and English versions;
- to harmonize terms used in the CARs with those used in the enabling statute or related regulations;
- to add clarity to regulatory provisions; and
- to update a reference to a manual.
Description and rationale
These amendments are administrative in nature; all but one editorial amendment address recommendations made by the SJCSR.
These amendments correct administrative and editorial inconsistencies in Parts III, V, VI, and VIII of the CARs as outlined below.
Amendments addressing recommendations by the SJCSR
- 1. Paragraphs 302.505(1)(a) and (d), and 805.05(1)(a) and (d) (Person Managing the Safety Management System) has been amended to replace the terms “establish and maintain” with the term “implement” to require the person managing the safety management system to implement a reporting system and a safety data system. This amendment corresponds to the most recent formulation used in paragraph 604.204(1)(c) of the CARs. The corresponding amendment has been made to the French version.
- 2. Subsections 302.505(5) and 805.05(5) (Person Managing the Safety Management System) have been amended to add the words “and accountability” to correspond with the terminology used in section 106.03. The corresponding amendment has been made to the French version.
- 3. Section 305.01 — the definition of “heliport operations manual” has been amended to include any amendments to the manual that are “included” pursuant to subsection 305.08(4) as opposed to “approved” pursuant to subsection 305.08(4) as there are no requirements to “approve” amendments to the manual in subsection 305.08(4). The corresponding amendment has been made to the French version.
- 4. Paragraph 602.63(7)(a) (Life Rafts and Survival Equipment — Flights over Water) of the French version has been amended to link the subordinate clause to the noun to which it refers. The noun “combinaison” is the antecedent in this case to the requirement to conform to paragraph 551.407(c) of the Airworthiness Manual and not the word “passager.”
- 5. Section 604.49 (Take-off Minima); the segment of the phrase “For the purposes of” at the beginning of section 604.49 has been replaced with the term “Despite.” The intent of this provision was not to clarify the meaning of the provision to which it refers (602.126(1)(b)) but rather create a limited exception to it. The use of the terms “for the purposes of” is therefore not appropriate. The corresponding amendment has been made to the French version.
- 6. Subparagraph 604.51(c)(xv) (Precision Approaches — CAT II and CAT III) has been amended to replace the term “crew members” with the term “flight crew members.” The corresponding amendment has been made to the French version.
- 7. Clause 604.53(c)(ii)(A) (CMNPS and RNPC Requirements); the term “routes RNAV supérieures fixes” in the French version has been replaced with “routes RNAV fixes de l’espace aérien supérieur” to ensure a consistent use of terminology.
- 8. The heading before section 604.54 in the French version has been replaced with “Exigences RNPC — routes RNAV fixes de l’espace aérien supérieur.”
- 9. Paragraphs 604.57(f), 604.58(f), 604.59(f) and 604.60(g) (RNP 10, RNP 4, RNAV 5, RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 Requirements); in the French version, have been amended to replace “et des pratiques prévues” with “et aux pratiques prévues…”
- 10. Paragraphs 604.83(1)(h) and (k) (Fuelling with Passengers on Board) have been amended to replace the term “zone de sécurité de l’avitaillement en carburant” with “zone de sécurité de l’avitaillement” in the French version only.
- 11. Subparagraph 604.85(1)(f)(ii) and clause 604.86(1)(a)(iv)(C) (Briefing of Passengers) have been amended to remove the concept of “requirement” in the French and English versions as there is no obligation or requirement in the CARs for a passenger to don and secure the passengers’ own mask before assisting another passenger and therefore, the safety briefing given to passengers should not include such a requirement.
- 12. Subsections 604.106(2) and (3) (Controlled Rest on the Flight Deck); the use of terminology in subsections 604.106(2) and (3) in the French version was not consistent with the English expression “aircraft operated by a private operator.” Subsections 604.106(2) and (3) have been amended to align with the terminology found in subsections 604.106(4) and (5) by replacing the term “aéronef” with “aéronef exploité par un exploitant privé” in the French version.
- 13. Paragraph 604.127(h) (Maintenance Control System) has been amended to replace the phrase “within the time limits set out in” by “in accordance with” to more adequately reflect the requirements in Subpart 5 of Part VI (which does not refer to time limits). The corresponding amendment has been made to the French version.
- 14. Paragraph 604.127(j) (Maintenance Control System) of the French version has been amended to add the term “avion” before the words “pressurisé à turbomoteurs” to align with the English version.
- 15. Paragraph 604.141(2)(e) (Operations Manager Qualifications and Responsibilities); the French version has been amended to the singular form to align with paragraph 604.203(1)(e).
- 16. Paragraph 805.03(3)(d) (Quality Assurance Program) has been amended to align the text with paragraph 302.503(3)(d).
Editorial amendment identified by TC
- 17. Paragraphs 571.03(a) and 571.07(2)(c), the portion of subsection 571.08(1) before paragraph (a), subsection 571.10(1), paragraph 571.11(4)(a), the portion of item 1 of Schedule I to Subpart 71 of Part V in column 1 and paragraph 605.92(1)(c) have been amended to update the reference from “Chapter 571 of the Airworthiness Manual” to “Standard 571 —Maintenance.” The corresponding amendment has been made to the French version.
“One-for-One” Rule and small business lens
The “One-for-One” Rule does not apply to these amendments, as there is no change in administrative costs or burden to business.
The small business lens does not apply to these amendments, as there are no costs to small business.
Regulatory Affairs (AARBH)
Civil Aviation
Safety and Security Group
Transport Canada
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