Order Amending the Cannabis Tracking System Order (Cultivation Waste): SOR/2025-45

Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 159, Number 6

SOR/2025-45 February 26, 2025


The Minister of Health makes the annexed Order Amending the Cannabis Tracking System Order (Cultivation Waste) under subsection 82(1) of the Cannabis Act footnote a.

Ottawa, February 1, 2025

Mark Holland
Minister of Health

Order Amending the Cannabis Tracking System Order (Cultivation Waste)


1 (1) The portion of paragraph 2(1)(d) of the Cannabis Tracking System Order footnote 1 before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:

(2) Subparagraphs 2(1)(d)(ii) to (v) of the French version of the Order are replaced by the following:

(3) The portion of paragraph 2(1)(g) of the Order before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:

(4) Section 2 of the Order is amended by adding the following after subsection (6):

Definition of cultivation waste

(7) For the purposes of subsection (1), cultivation waste has the same meaning as in subsection 1(2) of the Regulations.

2 The portion of item 1 of Schedule 2 to the Order in column 2 is replaced by the following:

Column 2

Unit of Measurement

1 number of seeds

Coming into Force

3 This Order comes into force on the first day of the month that follows the day on which the Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning Cannabis (Streamlining of Requirements) come into force.

N.B. The Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement for this Order appears following SOR/2025-43, Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning Cannabis (Streamlining of Requirements).