Receive updates by RSS feed

Find out what Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are, how to use them, and receive updates from our RSS feeds.

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Really Simple Syndication or RSS

An RSS feed is a feed that provides users with links to new website publications such as news headlines, blogs, and forums.

Each part of the Canada Gazette has its own RSS feed, which includes the publication date, the title and a short description. Using an RSS reader helps you to follow new publications by sending notifications for content such as:

  • the full HTML version for Part I and Part II or
  • the PDF version for Part III

How to subscribe

Ensure your web browser has a built-in RSS feed reader. If it doesn’t, download an RSS feed reader from the Internet. Detailed instructions on adding feeds are included in the RSS reader you choose.


  1. Download and install your RSS reader
  2. Follow your RSS reader’s instructions to add a feed
  3. Click the button for the feed you like to follow to copy the link:

Benefits of using RSS


You decide how and when to receive updates to our publication.

Cost effective

  • Most RSS readers and extensions are free and easy to use.
  • The Canada Gazette RSS feeds are free of charge.


  • Because feeds are lists of published content, you can sort these lists in different ways.
  • Some readers offer search features that make it easier for you to sort and find information.

Your feedback is important to us

Submit your feedback by email to or use the anonymous feedback form.

Our website is updated based on your feedback on a quarterly basis. When possible, we try to make changes as soon as we can. Some changes take time to assess and implement but we consider and review all suggestions.

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