s. 1,“international student”,
added, SOR/2016-201, s. 1
s. 1,“visitor”,
replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 1
s. 1.1,added, SOR/2004-132, s. 1
s. 2,heading replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 2
s. 3,SOR/2016-201, s. 3
s. 3.1,added, SOR/2016-201, s. 4
s. 4,heading and s. replaced, SOR/2010-303, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 5
s. 5,replaced, SOR/2010-303, s. 1
s. 6,replaced, SOR/2010-303, s. 1
s. 9,replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 6
s. 10,SOR/2010-303, s. 2; SOR/2016-201, s. 7
s. 11,replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 8
s. 12,replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 8
s. 13,replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 9
s. 14,replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 10
s. 15,SOR/2010-303, s. 3; replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 10
s. 15.1,added, SOR/2016-201, s. 10
s. 16,SOR/2004-132, s. 2
s. 17,replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 11
s. 18,replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 12
s. 18.1,added, SOR/2016-201, s. 12
s. 19,replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 12
s. 20,heading and s. replaced, SOR/2010-303, s. 4; replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 13
s. 21,SOR/2010-303, s. 5; replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 14
s. 22,replaced, SOR/2010-303, s. 6
s. 25,heading and s. repealed, SOR/2016-201, s. 15
s. 26,repealed, SOR/2016-201, s. 15
s. 27,S.C. 2001, c. 41, s. 39; replaced, SOR/2016-201, s. 16
Technical Data Control Regulations, SOR/86-345 [Contrôle des données techniques — Règlement]
s. 2 “certified Canadian contractor”,replaced, SOR/91-522, s. 1
s. 2,“autres activités commerciales admissibles”,
SOR/94-603, s. 1[F]
s. 2 “other legitimate business activity”,SOR/91-522, s. 1[E]
s. 3,SOR/91-522, s. 2; SOR/94-603, s. 2
s. 5,replaced, SOR/91-522, s. 3
s. 6,SOR/91-522, s. 4
s. 8,SOR/91-522, s. 5; SOR/94-603, s. 3[F]
s. 9,SOR/91-522, s. 6; SOR/94-603, s. 4
Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations, C.R.C., c. 554 [Continuation de la pension des services de défense — Règlement]
ss. 17 to 20,added, SOR/94-277
s. 21,added, SOR/94-277; replaced[E], SOR/2016-64, s. 76
s. 22,added, SOR/94-277; SOR/2016-64, s. 77[F]
ss. 23 to 34,added, SOR/94-277
Defence Services Pension Part V Regulations, SOR/55-416 [Pensions des services de défense, Partie V — Règlement]
s. 14,SOR/60-79, s. 1
s. 21,SOR/59-105, ss. 1 and 2
s. 24,SOR/60-79, s. 2
s. 24A,added, SOR/60-79, s. 3
s. 30,SOR/59-381, s. 1
Certificates of Age and Origin for Distilled Spirits Produced or Packaged in Canada Order, SI/2009-61 [Certificats d’âge et d’origine des spiritueux distillés produits ou emballés au Canada — Décret des]
Department of Employment and Social Development Regulations, SOR/2005-311 [Ministère de l’Emploi et du Développement social — Règlement]
Title,replaced, S.C. 2013, c. 40, s. 237
s. 3,SOR/2013-20, ss. 4 and 9; SOR/2015-53, ss. 1 and 2; added, SOR/2019-219, ss. 1 and 2
s. 3.1,added, SOR/2013-20, ss. 5 and 9; amended, SOR/2016-315, s.1
s. 3.2,added, SOR/2013-20, ss. 5 and 9
Electronic Documents and Electronic Information Regulations, SOR/2014-117 [Documents et informations électroniques — Règlement]
Social Security Tribunal Regulations, SOR/2013-60 [Tribunal de la sécurité sociale — Règlement]
Kemano Completion Project Guidelines Order, SOR/90-729 [Arrêté sur les lignes directrices visant les travaux d’achèvement du projet Kemano]
Consular Services Fees Regulations, SOR/95-538 [Droits à payer pour les services consulaires — Règlement]
s. 4,SOR/2001-536, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2010-271
Potable Water on Board Trains, Vessels, Aircraft and Buses Regulations, SOR/2016-43 [Eau potable à bord des trains, bâtiments, aéronefs et autocars — Règlement]
Automotive Manufacturing Assistance Regulations, C.R.C., c. 966 [Aide à l’industrie des produits de l’automobile — Règlement]
Canada Cycle and Motor Company Limited Enterprise Development Regulations, SOR/78-415 [Expansion des entreprises Canada Cycle and Motor Company Limited — Règlement]
Canadian Industrial Renewal Regulations, SOR/81-850 [Renouveau industriel canadien — Règlement]
s. 2,“Board”,
repealed, SOR/86-718, s. 1
s. 2,“eligible manufacturer”,
replaced, SOR/82-643, s. 1
s. 2,“eligible manufacturing or processing activity”,
replaced, SOR/82-119, s. 1; SOR/84-542, s. 1
s. 2,“external business”,
repealed, SOR/82-404, s. 1
s. 2,“external or other business”,
added, SOR/82-404, s. 1; SOR/82-643, s. 1; replaced, SOR/86-718, s. 1
s. 2,“fabricant”,
replaced[F], SOR/82-643, s. 1
s. 2,“Minister”,
added, SOR/86-718, s. 1
s. 2,“person”,
SOR/85-278, s. 1
s. 2,“personne”,
replaced[F], SOR/82-643, s. 1
s. 2,“private lender”,
replaced, SOR/86-718, s. 1
s. 2,“restructure”,
replaced, SOR/86-718, s. 1
s. 2,“travaux de fabrication ou de transformation”,
SOR/82-643, s. 1[F]
s. 3,SOR/82-119, s. 2; SOR/82-404, s. 2; SOR/82-643, s. 2; SOR/84-132, ss. 1[E] and 2; replaced, SOR/86-718, s. 2
s. 4,SOR/82-643, s. 3[F]; SOR/86-718, ss. 3 and 24
s. 5,SOR/86-718, s. 24
s. 6,SOR/82-643, s. 4[F]; replaced, SOR/86-718, s. 4
s. 7,SOR/86-718, s. 24
s. 8,SOR/86-718, s. 5
s. 9,SOR/86-718, s. 24
s. 10,SOR/82-643, s. 5[F]; SOR/86-718, ss. 6 and 24
s. 11,SOR/82-643, s. 6[F]; SOR/86-718, ss. 7 and 24
s. 12,replaced[F], SOR/82-643, s. 7; replaced, SOR/86-718, s. 8
s. 13,SOR/86-718, ss. 9 and 24
s. 14,SOR/82-643, s. 8; replaced, SOR/86-718, s. 10
s. 15,replaced, SOR/86-718, s. 10
s. 16,SOR/86-718, s. 24
s. 17,SOR/86-718, s. 24
s. 18,replaced[F], SOR/82-643, s. 9; SOR/86-718, s. 24
s. 19,replaced, SOR/86-718, s. 11
s. 20,SOR/86-718, ss. 12 and 24
s. 22,SOR/86-718, s. 24
s. 23,SOR/86-718, s. 24
s. 24,SOR/82-643, s. 10[F]; SOR/86-718, s. 13
s. 25,SOR/82-643, s. 11[F]; SOR/86-718, ss. 14 and 24
s. 26,SOR/82-404, s. 3; SOR/82-643, s. 12[F]; SOR/86-718, ss. 15 and 24
s. 27,SOR/82-404, s. 4; SOR/82-643, s. 13[F]; SOR/86-718, s. 16
s. 28,SOR/82-404, s. 5; SOR/82-643, s. 14[F]; SOR/86-718, s. 17
s. 28.1,added, SOR/82-404, s. 6; SOR/86-718, ss. 18 and 24
s. 29,replaced, SOR/82-404, s. 7; SOR/86-718, ss. 19 and 24
s. 30,replaced, SOR/82-404, s. 7; SOR/82-643, s. 15; SOR/85-411, s. 1; SOR/86-718, ss. 20 and 24
s. 30.1,added, SOR/82-643, s. 16; SOR/85-411, s. 2; SOR/86-718, ss. 21 and 24
s. 31,SOR/82-643, s. 17[F]; SOR/86-718, ss. 22 and 24
s. 32,replaced, SOR/86-718, s. 23; SOR/88-168, s. 1
s. 33,added, SOR/86-190, s. 1
Consolidated Computer Inc. Adjustment Assistance Regulations, C.R.C., c. 967 [Aide de transition à la Consolidated Computer Inc. — Règlement]
Consolidated Computer Inc. Enterprise Development Regulations, C.R.C., c. 968 [Exception sur l’expansion des entreprises (Consolidated Computer Inc.) — Règlement d’]
Enterprise Development Regulations, C.R.C., c. 969 [Expansion des entreprises — Règlement]
s. 2,SOR/79-335, s. 1; SOR/83-708, s. 9
s. 2,“application”,
added, SOR/79-335, s. 1
s. 2,“Board”,
repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 1
s. 2,“contribution”,
added, SOR/79-335, s. 1
s. 2,“letter of credit”,
repealed, SOR/79-335, s. 1
s. 2,“Minister”,
added, SOR/83-708, s. 1
s. 2,“private lender”,
replaced, SOR/83-708, s. 1
s. 2,“restructure”,
replaced, SOR/83-708, s. 1
s. 3,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 2; replaced, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 4,SOR/78-504; SOR/79-335, s. 3; SOR/81-379, s. 1; replaced, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 5,SOR/79-335, s. 4; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 6,SOR/79-335, s. 5; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 7,SOR/79-335, s. 6; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 8,SOR/79-335, s. 7; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 9,SOR/79-335, s. 8; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 10,SOR/79-335, s. 9; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 11,SOR/79-335, s. 10; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 12,SOR/79-335, s. 11; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 13,SOR/79-335, s. 12; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 14,SOR/79-335, s. 13; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 15,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 14; SOR/82-877, s. 1; SOR/83-341; repealed, SOR/83-708, s. 2
s. 16,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 14; SOR/83-708, s. 9
s. 17,SOR/79-335, s. 15; SOR/83-708, s. 9
s. 18,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; replaced, SOR/83-708, s. 3
ss. 19 to 23,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, s. 9
s. 24,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, ss. 4 and 9
s. 25,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/79-635; SOR/79-778; SOR/83-708, ss. 5 and 9
s. 26,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, s. 9
s. 27,SOR/78-906; replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, s. 9
ss. 28 to 29,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, s. 9
s. 30,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; replaced, SOR/83-708, ss. 6 and 9
ss. 31 to 34,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, s. 9
s. 35,replaced, SOR/78-588, s. 1; SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, s. 9; replaced, SOR/86-62, s. 1
s. 35,“private lender”,
s. 36,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; replaced, SOR/79-730, s. 1; SOR/83-111, s. 1; SOR/83-708, s. 9; SOR/86-62, s. 2; SOR/87-66, s. 1; SOR/92-162, s. 1
s. 37,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/79-730, s. 2; SOR/83-111, s. 2; SOR/83-708, s. 9; SOR/86-62, s. 3; SOR/87-66, s. 2; SOR/92-162, s. 2
s. 38,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, s. 9
s. 38.1,added, SOR/78-588, s. 2; repealed, SOR/79-335, s. 16
s. 39,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, s. 9; SOR/84-754; SOR/86-62, s. 4; SOR/87-66, s. 3
s. 40,replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/92-162, s. 3
s. 40.1,added, SOR/92-162, s. 4
s. 41,replaced, SOR/78-626; replaced, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, s. 9
s. 42,added, SOR/79-335, s. 16; SOR/83-708, s. 9
s. 43,added, SOR/79-335, s. 16; replaced, SOR/83-708, ss. 7 and 9
s. 44,added, SOR/79-335, s. 16; replaced, SOR/80-116; replaced, SOR/80-142; replaced, SOR/80-540; replaced, SOR/81-120; replaced, SOR/81-379, s. 2; SOR/82-152; SOR/82-154; SOR/82-877, s. 2; SOR/82-979; SOR/82-980; SOR/82-1001; SOR/83-258; SOR/83-506; SOR/83-548; replaced, SOR/83-708, s. 8; SOR/85-783
s. 45,added, SOR/81-858; replaced, SOR/83-708, s. 8
s. 46,added, SOR/82-247; replaced, SOR/83-708, s. 8
Footwear and Tanning Industries Assistance Regulations, C.R.C., c. 970 [Aide aux industries de la chaussure et du tannage — Règlement]
Ford New Holland, Inc. Loan Regulations, SOR/87-220 [Prêt à Ford New Holland Inc. — Règlement]
s. 3,replaced[E], SOR/2000-267, s. 1
s. 5,replaced, SOR/2000-267, s. 2; replaced, SOR/2008-53
s. 7,replaced, SOR/94-235; repealed, SOR/2000-267, s. 3
General Adjustment Assistance Regulations, C.R.C., c. 971 [Aide générale de transition — Règlement]
Metric Commission Order, C.R.C., c. 972 [Commission du système métrique — Décret]
s. 2,SI/82-25, s. 1
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Examination Regulations, SOR/85-781 [Examen de compatibilité avec la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés — Règlement (d’)]
s. 6,SOR/86-42, s. 1
Report on the State of Canada’s Forests Regulations, SOR/95-479 [Rapport sur l’état des forêts au Canada — Règlement]
Esquimalt Graving Dock Regulations, SOR/89-332 [Cale sèche d’Esquimalt — Règlement]
Long Title,replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 1 and 17
s. 1,repealed, SOR/2009-324, ss. 2 and 17
s. 2,“application”,
replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 3 and 17
s. 2,“contractor”,
added, SOR/95-462, s. 1; repealed, SOR/2003-303, s. 8
s. 2,“Director”,
added, SOR/95-462, s. 1; repealed, SOR/2003-303, s. 8
s. 2,“dock charge”,
replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 3 and 17
s. 2,“dockmaster”,
added, SOR/95-462, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2003-303, s. 8
s. 2,“dry dock section”,
added, SOR/2009-324, ss. 3 and 17
s. 2,“entry book”,
repealed, SOR/2009-324, ss. 3 and 17
s. 2,“hour”,
added, SOR/2009-324, ss. 3 and 17
s. 2,“Manager”,
SOR/95-462, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2003-303, s. 8
s. 2,“section”,
added, SOR/95-462, s. 1; repealed, SOR/2009-324, ss. 3 and 17
s. 2,“Superintendent”,
repealed, SOR/95-462, s. 1
s. 2,“working vessel”,
added, SOR/95-462, s. 1; repealed, SOR/2009-324, ss. 3 and 17
s. 2,“dock charge”,
repealed, SOR/2018-188, ss. 1 and 4
s. 4,SOR/95-462, ss. 2 and 9; SOR/2009-324, ss. 4 and 17
s. 5,SOR/95-462, s. 9; SOR/2009-324, ss. 5 and 17
s. 6,SOR/95-462, ss. 3 and 9
s. 7,SOR/95-462, s. 9; SOR/2003-303, s. 9; replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 6 and 17
s. 8,SOR/95-462, s. 9; replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 6 and 17
s. 9,SOR/95-462, s. 9; replaced[F], SOR/2003-303, s. 10
s. 10,SOR/95-462, s. 9; replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 7 and 17
s. 12,SOR/95-462, s. 9; SOR/2003-303, s. 11[F]
s. 13,SOR/95-462, s. 4
s. 14,SOR/95-462, s. 4
s. 15,SOR/95-462, s. 9; replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 8 and 17
s. 16,SOR/95-462, s. 9; replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 8 and 17
s. 17,SOR/95-462, ss. 5 and 9; repealed, SOR/2009-324, ss. 9 and 17
s. 18,SOR/95-462, s. 6
s. 19,SOR/95-462, s. 9
s. 20,SOR/95-462, s. 9; replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 10 and 17
s. 21,SOR/95-462, s. 9
s. 24,SOR/95-462, s. 9; repealed, SOR/2003-303, s. 12
s. 25,SOR/95-462, s. 9
s. 26,SOR/95-462, s. 9
s. 27,SOR/95-462, s. 9; SOR/2003-303, s. 13[E]; replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 11 and 17
s. 28,SOR/95-462, ss. 7 and 9; replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 11 and 17
s. 29,replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 11 and 17
s. 30,replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 11 and 17
s. 31,SOR/95-462, s. 9; SOR/2009-324, ss. 12 and 17
s. 34,replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 13 and 17
s. 36,SOR/95-462, s. 9
s. 36.1,added, SOR/2009-324, ss. 14 and 17; replaced, SOR/2018-188, ss. 2 and 4
s. 38,replaced, SOR/2009-324, ss. 15 and 17
Schedule,added, SOR/2009-324, ss. 16 and 17; replaced, SOR/2018-188, ss. 3 and 4
Schedule I,SOR/95-462, s. 8; replaced, SOR/2003-303, s. 14; replaced by the Schedule, SOR/2009-324, ss. 16 and 17
Schedule II,SOR/95-462, s. 8; replaced by the Schedule, SOR/2009-324, ss. 16 and 17
Procurement Ombudsman Regulations, SOR/2008-143 [Ombudsman de l’approvisionnement — Règlement concernant]
Public Works Nuisances Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1365 [Actes nuisibles sur des ouvrages publics — Règlement]
s. 4,SOR/85-370, s. 1
s. 5,added, SOR/85-370, s. 1
s. 6,added, SOR/85-370, s. 1
s. 7,added, SOR/85-370, s. 1
s. 8,added, SOR/85-370, s. 1; SOR/90-155, s. 1; SOR/92-737, s. 1
s. 9,added, SOR/85-370, s. 1
s. 10,added, SOR/85-370, s. 1
s. 10.1,added, SOR/90-155, s. 2; repealed, SOR/92-737, s. 2
s. 11,SOR/90-155, s. 3; SOR/92-737, s. 3
St. Andrew’s Lock Regulations, SOR/91-444 [Écluse St. Andrews — Règlement]
Selkirk Marine Railway Dry Dock Regulations, 1989, SOR/89-331 [Cale sèche maritime sur rail de Selkirk — Règlement de 1989]
s. 7,replaced[F], SOR/2003-303, s. 2
s. 21,repealed, SOR/2003-303, s. 3
s. 24,SOR/2003-303, s. 4[E]
s. 36,SOR/2003-303, s. 5[F]
Schedule I,SOR/2003-303, ss. 6 and 7[E]
Airport Personal Property Disposal Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1563 [Disposition des biens personnels trouvés dans les aéroports — Règlement]
Canal Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1564 [Canaux — Règlement]
s. 2,“Collision Regulations”,
SOR/80-467, s. 1; repealed, SOR/2008-272, s. 52
s. 2,“pleasure craft”,
added, SOR/81-69, s. 1
s. 2,“vessel traffic controller”,
added, SOR/80-467, s. 1
s. 17,replaced, SOR/2008-272, s. 53
s. 19,SOR/2008-272, s. 54[F]
s. 20,SOR/2008-272, s. 55[F]
s. 77,SOR/80-62, s. 1
s. 77.1,added, SOR/80-467, s. 2
ss. 77.11 to 77.31,added, SOR/80-467, s. 2
s. 77.32,added, SOR/81-69, s. 2
Schedule I,SOR/80-467, s. 3; SOR/81-69, s. 3
Designation of Quebec Airport Order, SI/83-170 [Désignation de l’aéroport de Québec — Décret]
Government Airport Concession Operations Regulations, SOR/79-373 [Exploitation de concessions aux aéroports du gouvernement — Règlement]
s. 2,SOR/96-88, s. 1; SOR/98-123, s. 14[F]
s. 2,“commercial passenger vehicle”,
SOR/95-228, s. 1
s. 2,“dispatch service”,
added, SOR/85-255, s. 1
s. 7,SOR/95-228, s. 2; replaced, SOR/2010-59, s. 1
s. 8,SOR/95-228, s. 2; SOR/96-88, s. 2; SOR/98-123, s. 15; SOR/2010-59, s. 8; SOR/2012-33, ss. 1 and 10
s. 10.1,added, SOR/85-255, s. 2; SOR/98-123, s. 16
s. 11,SOR/98-123, s. 17
s. 20,SOR/95-228, s. 4[E]
Schedule,added, SOR/96-88, s. 3; repealed, SOR/2012-33, ss. 2 and 10
Word,“Superintendent”,replaced throughout by “superintendent”, SOR/2002-191, s. 5[E]
s. 2,SOR/2017-21, s. 13[E]
s. 2,“boater campground”,
repealed, SOR/2015-134, s. 1
s. 2,“campground”,
added, SOR/2015-134, s. 1
s. 2,“employé”,
added[F], SOR/2002-191, s. 2
s. 2,“employee”,
replaced[E], SOR/2002-191, s. 2
s. 2,“fonctionnaire”,
repealed[F], SOR/2002-191, s. 2
s. 2,“historic canal”,
replaced, SOR/2015-134, s. 1
s. 2,“Superintendent”,
replaced, SOR/2002-191, s. 2
s. 4,SOR/2015-134, s. 2[E]
s. 6.1,added, SOR/2015-134, s. 3
s. 7,SOR/2015-134, s. 4[F]
s. 11,SOR/2015-134, s. 5
s. 13,SOR/94-580, s. 1; SOR/2015-134, s. 6[E]
s. 14,SOR/94-580, s. 2; SOR/2015-134, s. 7[E]
s. 16,SOR/94-580, s. 3; SOR/2015-134, s. 8[E]
s. 17,SOR/94-580, s. 4; SOR/2015-134, s. 9[E]
s. 18,SOR/2015-134, s. 21
s. 19,SOR/94-580, s. 5; replaced, SOR/2015-134, s. 10
s. 20,repealed, SOR/2015-134, s. 10
s. 21,SOR/2015-134, s. 21
s. 22,SOR/94-580, s. 6; SOR/2015-134, s. 11[E]
s. 26,repealed, SOR/2015-134, s. 12
s. 30,replaced, SOR/2015-134, s. 13
s. 33,SOR/2015-134, s. 14[F]
s. 34,SOR/94-580, s. 7; SOR/2015-134, s. 15
s. 35,SOR/2015-134, s. 16; SOR/2017-21, s. 13[F]
s. 39,SOR/94-580, s. 8; SOR/2002-191, s. 3; SOR/2015-134, s. 17
s. 40,SOR/94-580, s. 9
s. 42,SOR/94-580, s. 10
s. 43,SOR/94-580, s. 11
s. 45,SOR/2015-134, s. 18[E]
s. 46,repealed, SOR/2002-191, s. 4
s. 48,SOR/2015-134, s. 19
s. 49,SOR/94-580, s. 12; replaced, SOR/2015-134, s. 20
s. 50,replaced, SOR/2015-134, s. 20
s. 51,SOR/94-580, s. 13; replaced, SOR/2015-134, s. 20
s. 52,repealed, SOR/2015-134, s. 20
Schedules II to V,repealed, SOR/94-580, s. 14
Transport Control Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1566 [Régie des transports — Règlement]
Assistance Fund (W.V.A. and C.W.A.) Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1578 [Fonds de secours (allocations aux anciens combattants et allocations de guerre pour les civils) — Règlement]
s. 3,SOR/80-567, s. 1
s. 7,SOR/80-567, s. 2; SOR/2005-282, s. 1
Guardianship of Veterans’ Property Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1579 [Curatelle des biens des anciens combattants — Règlement]
Pensioners Training Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1581 [Formation des pensionnés — Règlement]
s. 2,“Loi”,
replaced[F], SOR/91-311, s. 1
s. 2,“ministre”,
replaced[F], SOR/91-311, s. 1
s. 2,“pensioner”,
SOR/91-311, s. 2
s. 3,SOR/91-311, s. 2
s. 3.1,added, SOR/95-422
s. 4,SOR/91-311, s. 2
s. 17,SOR/91-311, s. 2
Veterans Burial Regulations, SOR/2005-200 [Sépultures des anciens combattants — Règlement]
Title,replaced, SOR/2016-149, ss. 1 and 3
s. 1,“entitled to a disability award”,
added, SOR/2006-50, ss. 84 and 90
s. 1,“veteran”,
SOR/2009-334, ss. 4 and 5; SOR/2014-74, ss. 1 and 5
s. 1,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 24 and 27
s. 2,SOR/2006-50, ss. 85 and 90; SOR/2014-74, ss. 2 and 5
s. 2,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 25 and 27
s. 3,SOR/2013-110, ss. 1 and 3
s. 4,SOR/2009-225, s. 18; SOR/2016-149, ss. 2 and 3
s. 5,SOR/2006-50, ss. 86 and 90; SOR/2014-74, ss. 3 and 5
s. 8,SOR/2006-50, ss. 87 and 90; SOR/2009-225, s. 19[F]
s. 8,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 25 and 27
s. 9,SOR/2006-50, ss. 88 and 90; SOR/2013-110, ss. 2 and 3; SOR/2014-74, ss. 4 and 5; replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 25 and 27
s. 10,SOR/2006-50, ss. 89 and 90
Veterans Estates Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1584 [Successions des anciens combattants — Règlement]
Veterans Health Care Regulations, SOR/90-594 [Soins de santé pour anciens combattants — Règlement]
s. 2,“Canada service veteran”,
SOR/2001-157, s. 1; SOR/2001-326, s. 14
s. 2,“civilian”,
replaced, SOR/92-406, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2001-157, s. 1
s. 2,“civilian pensioner”,
replaced, SOR/92-406, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2001-157, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2001-326, s. 1
s. 2,“client”,
SOR/91-438, s. 1; SOR/92-406, s. 1; SOR/2001-157, s. 1; SOR/2001-326, s. 1; SOR/2003-362, ss. 1 and 13; SOR/2006-50, ss. 73 and 90; SOR/2012-289, ss. 1, 15 and 17
s. 2,“common-law partner”,
added, SOR/2001-326, s. 1
s. 2,“community facility”,
replaced, SOR/2016-31, ss. 1 and 13
s. 2,“departmental facility”,
replaced, SOR/2001-157, s. 1; repealed, SOR/2016-31, ss. 1 and 13
s. 2,“dual service veteran”,
added, SOR/2001-326, s. 1
s. 2,“entitled to a disability award”,
added, SOR/2006-50, ss. 73 and 90
s. 2,“entitled to a disability award in respect of special duty service”,
added, SOR/2006-50, ss. 73 and 90
s. 2,“income-qualified civilian”,
replaced, SOR/92-406, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2001-326, s. 1
s. 2,“income-qualified overseas service civilian”,
added, SOR/2001-326, s. 1
s. 2,“income-qualified veteran”,
replaced, SOR/92-406, s. 1; SOR/95-440, ss. 1 and 11; replaced, SOR/2001-326, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2003-362, s. 1
s. 2,“merchant navy veteran”,
added, SOR/92-406, s. 1; repealed, SOR/2001-157, s. 1
s. 2,“military service pensioner”,
replaced, SOR/91-438, s. 1; SOR/2003-362, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2012-289, ss. 1, 15 and 17
s. 2,“overseas service civilian”,
added, SOR/2001-326, s. 1; SOR/2003-362, s. 1
s. 2,“overseas service veteran”,
replaced, SOR/2001-157, s. 1; SOR/2003-362, s. 1; SOR/2009-334, ss. 1 and 5
s. 2,“pension”,
SOR/92-406, s. 1; SOR/98-386, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2001-157, s. 1; SOR/2001-326, s. 1
s. 2,“reserve force member”,
added, SOR/2012-289, ss. 1, 15 and 17
s. 2,“seriously disabled”,
added, SOR/2001-326, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2006-50, ss. 73 and 90
s. 2,“special duty area pensioner”,
added, SOR/91-438, s. 1; repealed, SOR/2003-362, s. 1
s. 2,“special duty service pensioner”,
added, SOR/2003-362, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2012-289, ss. 1, 15 and 17
s. 2,“spouse”,
SOR/91-438, s. 1; repealed and added new, SOR/2001-326, s. 1
s. 2,“veteran”,
SOR/92-406, s. 1; SOR/95-440, s. 1; SOR/2001-157, s. 1; SOR/2001-326, s. 1; SOR/2003-362, s. 1; SOR/2009-334, ss. 1 and 5
s. 2,“veteran pensioner”,
replaced, SOR/92-406, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2001-157, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2003-362, s. 1
s. 2,“war-related pensioned condition”,
replaced, SOR/91-438, s. 1; SOR/92-406, s. 1; SOR/2001-157, s. 1; SOR/2001-326, s. 1; SOR/2003-362, s. 1
s. 2,“entitled to a disability award in respect of special duty service”,
repealed, SOR/2018-177, ss. 21 and 27
s. 2,“entitled to a disability award” and “client”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 22 and 27
s. 3,SOR/91-438, s. 2; SOR/92-406, s. 2; SOR/98-386, s. 2; SOR/2001-157, s. 2; SOR/2001-326, s. 2; SOR/2003-362, ss. 2 and 13; SOR/2006-50, ss. 74 and 90; SOR/2012-42, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2012-289, ss. 2, 15 and 17; SOR/2016-31, ss. 2 and 13
s. 3,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 22 and 27
s. 3,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 23 and 27
s. 4,SOR/2001-157, s. 3
s. 6,SOR/95-440, s. 2; SOR/98-386, s. 3; SOR/2001-326, s. 14; SOR/2003-362, s. 3; SOR/2012-42, s. 2
s. 7,SOR/95-440, s. 3
s. 8,SOR/95-440, s. 4; SOR/2001-326, s. 14
s. 9,SOR/91-438, s. 3; SOR/2003-362, s. 13; SOR/2012-289, ss. 3, 15 and 17
s. 10,SOR/2001-326, s. 14
s. 11,repealed, SOR/95-440, s. 5
s. 12,repealed, SOR/95-440, s. 5
s. 13,SOR/91-438, s. 4; SOR/92-406, s. 3; SOR/95-440, s. 6; SOR/98-386, s. 4; SOR/2003-362, s. 13; SOR/2006-50, ss. 75 and 90
s. 14,SOR/92-406, s. 4; SOR/95-440, s. 7; SOR/98-386, s. 5; repealed, SOR/2001-157, s. 4
s. 15,SOR/91-438, s. 5; SOR/98-386, s. 6; replaced, SOR/2001-326, s. 3; SOR/2003-362, s. 4; SOR/2006-50, ss. 76 and 90; SOR/2009-225, s. 16[F]; SOR/2012-289, ss. 4 and 15 to 17; SOR/2016-31, ss. 3 and 13
s. 15,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 22 and 27
s. 16,replaced, SOR/2001-326, s. 3; SOR/2003-231, ss. 1 and 2; SOR/2003-407; replaced, SOR/2005-39, s. 1; SOR/2009-334, ss. 2 and 5
s. 16.1,added, SOR/2008-41, s. 1
s. 17,SOR/98-386, s. 7; SOR/2001-326, s. 4
s. 17.1,added, SOR/93-309, s. 1; SOR/98-386, s. 8
s. 18,SOR/92-406, s. 5; SOR/94-791, s. 1; SOR/98-386, s. 9; replaced, SOR/2001-326, s. 5
s. 19,SOR/93-309, s. 2; SOR/2003-362, s. 5
s. 20,SOR/93-309, s. 3; SOR/98-386, s. 10; SOR/2001-157, s. 5; SOR/2001-326, s. 6; SOR/2008-41, s. 2
s. 21,SOR/92-406, s. 6; SOR/98-386, s. 11; SOR/2001-157, s. 6; SOR/2001-326, s. 7; SOR/2003-362, s. 6; SOR/2009-334, ss. 3 and 5; heading replaced, SOR/2016-31, ss. 4 and 13, ss. 5 and 13
s. 21.1,added, SOR/2003-362, s. 7
s. 21.2,added, SOR/2012-42, s. 3; SOR/2012-289, ss. 5[F], 15 and 17; replaced, SOR/2016-31, ss. 6 and 13
s. 22,SOR/92-406, s. 7; SOR/98-386, s. 12; SOR/2001-157, s. 7; replaced, SOR/2001-326, s. 8; SOR/2003-362, ss. 8 and 13; SOR/2006-50, ss. 77 and 90; SOR/2012-289, ss. 6, 15 and 17
s. 22,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 22 and 27
s. 22.1,added, SOR/2001-326, s. 8; SOR/2003-362, s. 9
s. 23,SOR/98-386, s. 13; SOR/2001-157, s. 8
s. 24,SOR/92-406, s. 8; replaced, SOR/2001-157, s. 9; SOR/2001-326, s. 9; SOR/2003-362, s. 10; SOR/2006-50, ss. 78 and 90; SOR/2012-289, ss. 7, 15 and 17; SOR/2016-31, ss. 7 and 13
s. 24,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 22 and 27
s. 25,repealed, SOR/2016-31, ss. 8 and 13
s. 26,repealed, SOR/2016-31, ss. 8 and 13
s. 27,SOR/2001-157, s. 10; SOR/2006-50, ss. 79 and 90; SOR/2012-289, ss. 8, 15 and 17
s. 28,SOR/95-440, s. 8; replaced, SOR/2001-157, s. 11; SOR/2003-362, s. 13; SOR/2006-50, ss. 80 and 90; replaced, SOR/2012-289, ss. 9, 15 and 17
s. 25,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 23 and 27
s. 29,replaced, SOR/93-309, s. 4; replaced, SOR/95-440, s. 9; replaced[F], SOR/98-386, s. 14; replaced, SOR/2016-31, ss. 9 and 13
s. 30,replaced, SOR/95-440, s. 9; replaced, SOR/2001-326, s. 10; SOR/2003-362, s. 13; SOR/2006-50, ss. 81 and 90; replaced, SOR/2012-289, ss. 10, 15 and 17
s. 30,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 22 and 27
s. 31.1,added, SOR/2001-326, s. 11; SOR/2012-289, ss. 11, 15 and 17; SOR/2016-31, ss. 10 and 13
s. 31.2,added, SOR/2001-326, s. 11
s. 33,“entitled to a disability award”,
replaced, SOR/2018-177, ss. 22 and 27
s. 33.1,added, SOR/98-386, s. 15; SOR/2001-157, s. 12; SOR/2001-326, ss. 12 and 14; SOR/2003-362, s. 11; SOR/2006-50, ss. 82 and 90; SOR/2012-289, ss. 12, 15 and 17; SOR/2016-31, ss. 11 and 13
s. 34,SOR/95-440, s. 10; SOR/98-386, s. 16
s. 34.1,added, SOR/2001-157, s. 13; SOR/2001-326, s. 13; SOR/2003-362, s. 12; SOR/2005-39, s. 2; SOR/2006-50, ss. 83 and 90; SOR/2012-221, ss. 1 to 3
s. 35.1,added, SOR/98-386, s. 17
s. 36,replaced, SOR/98-386, s. 18; SOR/2001-157, s. 14[E]; SOR/2009-225, s. 17
s. 38,added, SOR/2016-31, ss. 12 and 13
Veterans Treatment Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1585 [Traitement des anciens combattants — Règlement]
s. 2,SOR/78-636, s. 1; SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“child”,
added, SOR/81-548, s. 1; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“Commission”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“commuted pension”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“contract hospital”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“Department”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“departmental hospital”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“dependant”,
SOR/78-636, s. 1
s. 2,“entitlement”,
SOR/87-522, s. 1; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“honourably discharged”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“Minister”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“overseas service”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“pension”,
SOR/88-132, s. 1; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“service disability”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“special force”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“treatment”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“Western Hemisphere”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“World War I”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 2,“World War II”,
repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 1
s. 3,replaced, SOR/84-710, s. 1; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
ss. 4 to 12,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 13,SOR/78-636, s. 2; SOR/81-548, s. 2 repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
ss. 14 to 20,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 21,SOR/81-548, s. 3[F]; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
ss. 22 to 26,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 27,SOR/87-522, s. 2; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 28,SOR/81-305, s. 1; repealed, SOR/84-710, s. 2
s. 29,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 30,SOR/78-636, s. 3; SOR/81-548, s. 4; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 31,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 32,SOR/78-636, s. 4; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 32.1,added, SOR/78-636, s. 4
s. 33,SOR/81-548, s. 5; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
ss. 34 to 36,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 37,SOR/78-636, s. 5; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 38,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 39,SOR/78-636, s. 6; SOR/81-548, s. 6; SOR/84-710, s. 3; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 40,replaced, SOR/84-710, s. 4; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 41,SOR/78-636, s. 7; SOR/79-722, s. 1; SOR/84-710, s. 5; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 42,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 43,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 44,SOR/78-636, s. 8; SOR/79-722, s. 2; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 45,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 46,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 47,SOR/81-548, s. 7[F]; SOR/87-522, s. 3; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 48,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 49,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 50,SOR/81-548, s. 8; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 51,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 52,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 53,SOR/84-710, s. 6; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 2
s. 55,SOR/81-548, s. 9[F]
ss. 56 to 61,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 3
s. 61.1,added, SOR/81-305, s. 2; SOR/82-1042, s. 1; repealed, SOR/84-710, s. 7
s. 62,SOR/81-548, s. 10; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 3
s. 63,repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 3
Schedule I,SOR/78-636, s. 9; SOR/81-548, s. 11; repealed, SOR/90-595, s. 4
Schedule II,SOR/78-636, s. 10; SOR/81-548, s. 12; repealed, SOR/84-710, s. 8
Diplomatic Service (Special) Superannuation Regulations, 1988, SOR/88-485 [Pension spéciale du service diplomatique — Règlement de 1988]
Order Fixing November 1, 2018 as the Day on which Certain Provisions of the Act Come into Force, SI/2018-32 [1er novembre 2018 la date d’entrée en vigueur de certaines dispositions de la loi — Décret fixant au]
Diplomatic Service (Special) Superannuation Regulations, 1988, SOR/88-485 [Pension spéciale du service diplomatique — Règlement de 1988]
DIVORCE ACT [R.S. 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.)] [DIVORCE (LOI)]
Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings Fee Order, SOR/86-547 [Droit à payer pour un service fourni en vertu du Règlement sur le bureau d’enregistrement des actions en divorce — Décret]
s. 2,SOR/86-614, s. 1; SOR/86-835, s. 1
Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings Regulations, SOR/86-600 [Bureau d’enregistrement des actions en divorce — Règlement]
Long Title,replaced, SOR/2013-169, s. 1
s. 1,repealed, SOR/2013-169, s. 2
s. 2,“Act”,
replaced, SOR/2013-169, s. 3
s. 2,“Order”,
added, SOR/2013-169, s. 3
s. 2,“registration form”,
replaced, SOR/2005-318, s. 1; repealed, SOR/2013-169, s. 3
s. 3,SOR/2005-318, s. 2[E]; SOR/2013-169, s. 4; SOR/2015-156, s. 1
s. 4,SOR/2005-318, s. 3; replaced, SOR/2013-169, s. 5; SOR/2015-156, s. 2
s. 5,SOR/2005-318, s. 4; SOR/2011-59, s. 1; replaced, SOR/2013-169, s. 5; SOR/2015-156, s. 3
s. 6,SOR/2013-169, s. 6; SOR/2015-156, s. 4[F]
s. 7,replaced, SOR/2005-318, s. 5; replaced, SOR/2013-169, s. 7; SOR/2015-156, s. 5
s. 8,replaced, SOR/2005-318, s. 5; replaced, SOR/2013-169, s. 7
s. 9,added, SOR/2011-59, s. 2; replaced, SOR/2013-169, s. 7
Schedule,replaced, SOR/2005-318, ss. 6 and 7; repealed, SOR/2013-169, s. 8
Federal Child Support Guidelines, SOR/97-175 [Lignes directrices fédérales sur les pensions alimentaires pour enfants]
s. 2,“universal child care benefit”,
added, SOR/2007-59, s. 1
s. 3,SOR/97-563, s. 1
s. 7,SOR/2000-337, s. 1; SOR/2000-390, s. 1[F]; SOR/2005-400, s. 1; SOR/2007-59, s. 2
s. 14,SOR/97-563, s. 2; SOR/2000-337, s. 2
s. 16,SOR/2000-337, s. 3; SOR/2007-59, s. 4
s. 17,SOR/2000-337, s. 4
s. 19,SOR/2000-337, s. 5
s. 20,SOR/2005-400, s. 2
s. 21,SOR/2000-337, s. 6
s. 25,SOR/97-563, s. 3
Schedule I,SOR/97-563, ss. 4 to 9; SOR/99-136, ss. 1 and 2; SOR/2005-400, ss. 3 to 5; SOR/2011-267, ss. 1, 2 and 3; SOR/2017-224, ss. 1 to 4
Schedule II,SOR/97-563, ss. 10 and 11; SOR/2000-337, s. 7; SOR/2005-400, s. 6; SOR/2007-59, s. 4
Schedule III,SOR/97-563, ss. 12 to 14; SOR/2000-337, ss. 8 to 12; SOR/2001-292, s. 1; SOR/2007-59, ss. 3 and 4; SOR/2009-181, s. 1
Minister of Justice Authority to Prescribe Fees Order, SI/86-55 [Décret autorisant le ministre de la Justice à prescrire des droits]
Order Amending Order in Council P.C. 2019-1143 of August 7, 2019 by Replacing “July 1, 2020” with “March 1, 2021, SI/2020-42 [Décret modifiant le décret C.P. 2019-1143 du 7 août 2019 en remplaçant « 1er juillet 2020 » par « 1er mars 2021 »]
Order Designating the Province of Manitoba for the Purposes of the Definition “applicable guidelines” in subsection 2(1) of the Divorce Act, SOR/98-288 [Décret désignant la province du Manitoba pour l’application de la définition de « lignes directrices applicables » au paragraphe 2(1) de la Loi sur le divorce]
Order Designating the Province of New Brunswick for the Purposes of the Definition “applicable guidelines” in subsection 2(1) of the Divorce Act, SOR/98-256 [Décret désignant la province du Nouveau-Brunswick pour l’application de la définition de « lignes directrices applicables » au paragraphe 2(1) de la Loi sur le divorce]
Order Designating the Province of Quebec for the Purposes of the Definition “applicable guidelines” in Subsection 2(1) of the Divorce Act, SOR/97-237 [Décret désignant la province de Québec pour l’application de la définition de « lignes directrices applicables » au paragraphe 2(1) de la Loi sur le divorce]
Order Fixing July 1, 2020 as the Day on which Certain Provisions of that Act Come into Force, SI/2019-82 [Décret fixant au 1er juillet 2020 la date d’entrée en vigueur de certaines dispositions de cette loi]
DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee Regulations, SOR/2000-181 [Comité consultatif de la banque nationale de données génétiques — Règlement]
s. 2,SOR/2000-269, s. 1
DNA Identification Regulations, SOR/2000-300 [Identification par les empreintes génétiques — Règlement]
s. 1,replaced, SOR/2018-42, ss. 1 and 8
s. 2,SOR/2002-451, s. 1; SOR/2006-225, s. 1[E]; SOR/2008-139, s. 1[E]; replaced, SOR/2018-42, ss. 2 and 8
s. 2.1,added, SOR/2002-451, s. 1; SOR/2006-225, s. 2[E]; replaced, SOR/2018-42, ss. 2 and 8
s. 2.2,added, SOR/2008-139, s. 2; replaced, SOR/2018-42, ss. 3 and 8
s. 2.3,added, SOR/2018-42, ss. 4 and 8
s. 3,SOR/2002-451, s. 2[F]; replaced, SOR/2018-42, ss. 5 and 8
Dominion Water Power Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1603 [Forces hydrauliques du Canada — Règlement]
Expropriation Fees Regulations, SOR/2000-142 [Frais payables pour l’expropriation — Règlement]
Kananaskis Falls and Horseshoe Falls Water Power Regulations, SOR/97-473 [Forces hydrauliques des chutes Kananaskis et des chutes Horseshoe — Règlement]
Schedule I
[ss. 1 to 14]
s. 2,replaced, SOR/2008-170, s. 3[F]
s. 4,SOR/2008-170, s. 4[F]
s. 7,replaced, SOR/2008-170, s. 5[F]
s. 9,replaced, SOR/2008-170, s. 6[F]
s. 12,SOR/2008-170, s. 7[F]
Schedule II
[ss. 1 to 13]
s. 2,replaced[E], SOR/2008-170, s. 8; replaced[F], SOR/2009-151, s. 1
s. 4,SOR/2008-170, s. 9[F]
s. 8,replaced, SOR/2008-170, s. 10[F]
Employment Related to Mines at the Donkin Coal Block — Regulations Respecting, SOR/2008-208 [Emploi dans le cadre de l’exploitation des mines de la réserve de charbon Donkin — Règlement]
Exploitation of the Donkin Coal Block (Natural Resources) Regulations, SOR/2008-209 [Exploitation de la réserve de charbon Donkin (ressources naturelles) — Règlement relatif]
Prosecution of Provincial Offences Regulations (Donkin Coal Block), SOR/2008-210 [Poursuite des infractions provinciales (réserve de charbon Donkin) — Règlement]
Canadian Vickers Dry Dock Regulations, SOR/67-346 [Cales sèches de la Canadian Vickers — Règlement]
s. 21,SOR/77-347, s. 1
Schedule A,SOR/77-347, s. 2
Expropriation Fees Regulations, SOR/2000-142 [Frais payables pour l’expropriation — Règlement]